Two papers and invited session at CDC 2019 in Nice

Our papers on "Encrypted Cloud-based Control using Secret Sharing with One-time Pads" and "Encrypted Cooperative Control Revisited" have been accepted for the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2019 in Nice, France. They will be presented in an invited session on "Encrypted Contol and Optimization" that is jointly organized  by Andreea Alexandru from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and our group.

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Positions for student assistance (SHK, WHB), Bachelor-, and Master-Thesis

We are continuously looking for interested students and interns to actively participate in our research projects. If you are interested to join our group, please contact Prof. Thomas Zentgraf.

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Details can be found in the official job openings (Postdoc position in QPIC-1)

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Details can be found in the official job openings (Kennziffer5291)

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Details can be found in the official job openings (PhD position in QPIC-1)

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An der Universität Paderborn ist am Department Physik -Physikdidaktik- eine Stelle mit einer abgeordneten Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben gemäß § 42 HG zu besetzen. Die Stelle dient der wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung (Promotion oder Habilitation) im Projekt -Untersuchung der Experimentellen Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden (GyGe)-. Mit der Abordnung sind Lehraufgaben im Umfang von 13 SWS verbunden. Besoldung: A 13/ A 14 LBesO 2.…

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Die Arbeitsgruppe freut sich über interessierte und engagierte Studenten, die als SHKs an unseren Forschungsprojekten mitarbeiten möchten. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter. Our group is continuously looking for interested and dedicated students, who want to actively participate in our research projects as student assistants (SHK). If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter.

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Gerne  vergeben wir  an engagierte Studenten Themen für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten, die sich an aktuellen Forschungsfragen innerhalb unserer Arbeitsgruppe orientieren. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter. We are looking for dedicated students doing their bachelor or master thesis with us. The topics are related to actual research in our group.  If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter.

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We are continuously looking for interested students and interns to actively participate in our research projects. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Christine Silberhorn.

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