Re­fur­bish­ment of the first labs is fin­ished

The refurbishment of the lab in P8.1.08 is finished. In the first phase of the refurbishment the lab was prepared for an air conditioning scheme, which was inspired by state of the art clean room technology. After the end of the construction work, the optical tables were installed in the lab in a day-long endeavor at the beginning of March 2011 (<link http: fileadmin physik ag ag-silberhorn videos zeitraffer.wmv>video). These tables gave a first hint of the high-tech quantum optics lab that would be build up in this room in the coming months, continuing with the installation and alignment of the big laser systems and now being completed by the installation of the shelves above the tables. The experiments that already began after the laser systems were installed can now be pursued in an ideal working environment.