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Quantum 2.0 in Rot­ter­dam

Last week four members of our group went to the Quantum 2.0 conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands. They enjoyed a great meeting and had a lot of time to network and talk about their work.

We contributed with two presentations and one poster:

  • Timon Schapeler talked about "Photon-number resolution with SNSPDs via statistical analysis of electrical traces"
  • Frederik Thiele talked his work about "Opto-Electronic Operation of an SNSPD with a Cryogenic Laser"
  • Prof. Tim Bartley presented "Beyond Beam Splitters: Efficiently Decomposing Large Unitaries into Multimode Devices of Arbitrary Size"



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Dr. Frederik Thiele

Mesoscopic Quantum Optics

electro-optical modulation at cryogenic temperatures

Write email +49 5251 60-4590
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Nina Amelie Lange

Mesoscopic Quantum Optics

Spontaneous parametric down-conversion for single-photon generation at cryogenic temperatures

Write email +49 5251 60-5806
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Timon Schapeler

Mesoscopic Quantum Optics

Quantum detector tomography of single-photon detectors

Write email +49 5251 60-4593