We will contribute with one presentation and five posters:
- Frederik Thiele: "Reading out SNSPDs with Opto-Electronic Converters" (Talk)
- Frederik Thiele: "Gating SNSPDs with a Cryogenic Photodiode" (Poster)
- Niklas Lamberty (& Frederik Thiele): "Cryogenic Feedforward of a Quantum State" (Poster)
- Timon Schapeler: "Scalable Quantum Detector Tomography using High-Performance Computing" (Poster)
- Timon Schapeler: "Massively Multiplexing Superconducting Nanowire Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors" (Poster)
- Nina Lange "Investigating the Feasibility of Interfacing Cryogenic SPDC with a Quantum Dot" (Poster)
- Tim Bartley will also attend the conference.