
Stefan Schumacher is now Heisenbergprofessor at the University of Paderborn.

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Christian Wiebeler defends his PhD thesis with great success.

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Stefan Schumacher awarded "Goldene Kreide" for excellence in teaching.

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The DFG decides to fund our new collaborative research center (SFB) TRR142, where our group contributes with two projects.

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Christian Wiebeler wins Poster Prize at DFT2013 conference in Durham for his presentation.

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Positive evaluation of Junior-Professorship by University of Paderborn and external reviewers.

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Stefan Schumacher becomes member of the Junges Kolleg of the NRW Akademie der Wissenschaften & Künste.

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Congratulations to Christian Wiebeler. He has been awarded a fully funded PhD scholarship by the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung to continue his work.

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We congratulate Dirk Heinze for passing his M.Sc. viva.

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Andreas Lücke's paper in PRL was highlighted as Focus Article in Physics by American Physical Society journal editors.

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Christian Wiebeler takes part in the 2012 Nobel Laureate meeting in Lindau.

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DFG continues support of our two projects in the GRK1464 for another 4.5 years until 2017.

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Andreas Lücke passed his B.Sc. viva with great success.

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Regina Kruse passed her B.Sc. viva with great success.

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DFG-grant awarded to continue work on polariton scattering, pattern formation and control in semiconductor microcavities.

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