Open po­s­i­tions for SHKs, WHBs, Bach­el­or-, and Mas­ter-Thes­is

 |  Open Positions

The research group is always looking for motivated students as SHKs and for Bachelor's and Master's theses.

We are also looking for a WHB/SHK as communication and/or project manager for our group.


Tasks of the communication manager are:

- Social Media (Twitter/Instagram)
- Developing a concept for Tiktok and/or Youtube
- maintenance of the institute homepages 
- Developing concepts for outreach activities (e.g. scienceArt, etc)


Tasks of the project manager are:

- Event organisation
- Meeting organisation
- EU project communication
- EU project reporting
- MS teams structure for project management
- Manage consortium members



- Enjoy learning new things
- Mindfulness of responsibility
- Excellent written and spoken English skills
- Social media content creation experience

Applicants should contact Prof. Klaus Jöns.