About us

Our research covers a range of exciting topics in theoretical condensed matter physics and optics, and in many of our projects we use light as an investigative tool to gain insights into the excitation dynamics and optical properties of nanometre-scale structures on ultrafast (femtosecond) timescales. Beyond pure fundamental research, we use our understanding of nonlinear light-matter interactions to develop strategies for novel light manipulations, e.g. in optical switches and quantum light sources.

In addition to our own work, we are embedded in a stimulating local research environment and collaborate closely with a number of leading groups around the world.

At a Glance


If you would like to join our team, too, do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to meeting you!


Below you will find our publications.


Find out what exciting things are happening with us.

Our Re­search

Ul­tra­fast non­lin­ear and quantum photon­ics

• nonlinear excitation dynamics of nanostructures
• structural, spectral, and polarization topology
• controlling light with light
• quantum-state tomography

Sol­id state quantum-light sources

• nonlinear dynamics of open quantum systems
• ideal single- and few-photon sources
• quantum-correlated many-photon states
• multi-scale optimization

Func­tion­al photon­ic ma­ter­i­als

• structural and optical properties
• organic semiconductors, 2d-materials, perovskites
• non-adiabatic excitation dynamics
• molecular doping

Method and code development

•    microscopic many-particle theories for condensed matter
•    advanced algorithms
•    energy efficient implementations, e.g. GPU powered

Net­works and Pro­jects

Centre for Optoelectronics and Photonics

The research focus deals with the physical principles and applications of light-matter interaction. As part of this focus, CeOPP combines the expertise of the Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering departments.

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PC2: Paderborn Centre for Parallel Computing

The Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing is a central scientific institution of the Paderborn University with the task of promoting interdisciplinary research in parallel and distributed computing with innovative computer systems.

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PhoQS brings together the expertise of over 30 scientists, including four ERC grant holders, from four specialist disciplines. PhoQS research is currently being sponsored nationally and internationally in more than 15 projects.

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TRR 142: Tailored Nonlinear Photonics

Our goal is the research, development and realisation of future non-linear photonic systems. We utilise the latest technological possibilities to research new physical concepts and devices based on targeted strong nonlinearities and quantum effects.

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Portrait Prof. Dr Stefan Schumacher

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher

Theory of Functional Photonic Structures

Room A4.234
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn