
RIP old group photos. Find a gallery of a few previous group photos at the link.

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A few members of the group enjoyed their hike at Paderborner Höhenweg. Weather was perfekt!

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Quite a few group members presented their research at the annual DPG spring meeting in Berlin.

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Our collaborative work with the groups of Jens Förstner and Klaus Jöns is now featured on the front cover of Advanced Quantum Technologies.

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All the hard work paying off and what a great start! Not quite two weeks into the new year and already six 2024 papers accepted.

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Another nice collaborative research piece of ours together with Marc Assmann's and Jan Sperlings's groups on the time-resolved tomography of polariton quantum states was just published.

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Our nice collaborative work with Rolf Binder and Cun-Zheng Ning on strained bilayer MoTe2 is now published in ACS Nano.

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Fabian Bauch wins teaching award "Goldener Rotstift", awarded by the board of physics students for his excellent teaching.

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Our collaborative experiment-theory work on the generation of single photons with optical control is now published in Nature Communications

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Matthias Pukrop very succesfully passed his PhD viva. Congratulations Dr. Pukrop!

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Dr. Xuekai Ma was promoted to Junior Research Group Leader and will lead his own independent group at UPB now.

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DFG will continue to fund our collaborative research center TRR142 for another 4 years.

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2021 Our beautiful collaborative work on quantum coherence in polariton condensates together with Marc Aßmann's und Jan Sperling's groups is now published.

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TRR 142 Movie!

Our TRR142 movie is now online!

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