Last week three members went to the conference CLEO in Charlotte. The conference was about Lasers, electro-optics, and photonic applications. In addition, our former colleague Maximilian Protte joined us again and presented work which was realized in Paderborn. We presented our works in contributing talks and poster presentations:
- Niklas Lamberty: Maximizing photon-number resolution from an SNSPD
- Maximilian Protte: Performing Balanced Homodyne Detection with Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors
- Johanna Biendl: Overcoming Pyroelectricity to Improve Integrated Superconducting Detector Fabrication Yield on Lithium Niobate
- Frederik Thiele: Pyroelectricity in Lithium Niobate Waveguides in the Thermal Transition to Cryogenic Temperatures