MQO at the DPG con­fe­rence in Han­no­ver

Seven members of our group went to the Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section of the German Physical Society (DPG SAMOP) in Hannover. The conference was held at the Leibniz University from March 5th to March 10th. We presented the following contributions:

  • Timon Schapeler - Quantum characterization of superconducting detectors (Talk)
  • Johanna Biendl - 3D lithography for single-photon level spectroscopy with superconducting detectors (Talk)
  • Nina Amelie Lange - Cryogenic Integrated Nonlinear Optics in Lithium Niobate (Talk)
  • Niklas Lamberty - Feed-forward for optical circuits with cryogenic electronics (Poster)
  • Anupam Kumar - Cryogenic characterization of Electrical circuits (Poster)

We had fruitfull discussions and gained new ideas for future research. Besides the conference we spend our evenings together exploring Hannovers culinary scene.