MQO at the ICI­QP con­fe­rence in Co­pen­ha­gen

Three members of the MQO group went to the International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics 2022 (ICIQP 2022) in Copenhagen. We presented the following contributions:

  • Julian Brockmeier – On chip generation and bidirectional electrooptic manipulation of single photons (poster)
  • Maximilian Protte – A Toolbox for Integrated Quantum Photonics Realized by Direct Laser Lithography as a Single Patterning Tool (talk)
  • Frederik Thiele – Cryogenic Electro-Optic Modulation in Titanium in-diffused Lithium Niobate Waveguides (talk)

We had fruitful discussions and new ideas while also doing sightseeing in the city of Copenhagen.