MQO group at CLEO 2022 in San Jo­se

Six members of the MQO group went to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) from May 15th-20th, 2022 in San Jose. We presented five contributions:

  • Jan Philipp Höpker - Two-Mode Photon-Number Correlations Created by Measurement-Induced Nonlinearity (Poster)
  • Frederik Thiele - Cryogenic Optical Biasing of a Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector With a Photodiode (Talk)
  • Maximilian Protte - Direct Laser Lithography: Single-Tool Patterning for Nonlinear Integrated Quantum Optics (Talk)
  • Nina Lange - Joint Spectral Characterization of Cryogenic Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (Talk)
  • Timon Schapeler - Information Extraction in Photon Counting Experiments (Talk)

The contributions can be watched as recordings on the CLEO website (paywall and requires login).

Besides attending the conference, we spend some evenings together, tried local restaurants, and made a short trip to the beach in Santa Cruz.

Nina Lange presenting her talk in front of roughly 50 people.
We all had Quesadilla at a mexican restaurant.