New pu­bli­ca­ti­on from Fre­de­rik Thie­le

In our new publication we show the operation of lithium niobate modulators at cryogenic temperatures. We have previously shown the operation of a polarisation converter at 1K. To show the full capabilities of lithium niobate modulators at cryogenic temperature we characterised a phase modulator, directional coupler, and a polarisation converter. These modulators were characterised in respect to their modulation voltage and wavelength dependence at room temperature and cryogenic temperatures. The realization of these active optical components at this temperature is an important step for us towards realizing an integrated optical platform in lithium niobate. We aim to realize various optical components at cryogenic temperatures in order to integrate the devices with detectors such as superconducting single-photon detectors.

The paper is available at: