
Research Directions

Ma­nip­u­la­tion of Quan­tumemit­ters

Integrated quantum emitters in the form of ions, quantum dots, excitons, or defects represent an important resource for research and applications in the field of quantum optics. We are particularly interested in actively controlling the inherent properties of these light sources.

Act­ive light-mat­ter in­ter­ac­tion

The interplay between optoelectronics and nanophotonics opens up extensive possibilities for exploring novel platforms in the manipulation, detection, and transmission of light fields. These include, for example, ultra-compact and fast light modulators as well as nonlinear optical elements for frequency conversion.

In­ter­faces & In­teg­rated Photon­ics

The success of photonics is based, among other factors, on the ability to connect components over long distances. To scale quantum systems, it is essential to network quantum nodes. We are therefore particularly interested in exploring active component interfaces with photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and networks.