A warm wel­come!

The group for optoelectronic materials and devices deals with the production and characterisation of semiconductor structures for optical and electronic applications, e.g. in quantum information technology. Quantum effects are utilised in these semiconductor structures in order to obtain novel properties. One example of this is the atomically sharp energy levels in semiconductor quantum dots.


One focus of our work is the production of semiconductor heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), an ultra-high vacuum deposition process that enables the highest material qualities and purities. After growth, these heterostructures are characterised structurally, optically and electrically. For structural analyses, we use high-resolution X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Optically, the samples are analysed using photoluminescence spectroscopy, reflection measurements and spatial resolution methods. Electrical characterisation is mainly carried out using Hall measurements, capacitance-voltage spectroscopy and current-voltage measurements.

Net­works and Pro­jects


Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems

TRR 142: Tailored Non­lin­ear Photon­ics: From Fun­da­ment­al Con­cepts to Func­tion­al Struc­tures

CeOPP: Cen­ter for Op­to­elec­tron­ics and Photon­ics

Everything in a nut­shell


Would you also like to become part of our team? Then get in touch with us!

Rows of seats filled with students in the Auditorium maximum of Paderborn University.


The AG Reuter participates in the university's physics education programme with changing courses as part of various Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.
The exact programme for the current semester can be found under PAUL.

Clipboard with clothing sketch on it.

SHK/WHB po­s­i­tions

The group welcomes interested and committed students who would like to work on our research projects as SHK or WHB. If you are interested, please contact Prof Dr Dirk Reuter.



Lernzen­trum „Physiktreff“ neu aus­gest­at­tet

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Ju­biläumsshow der Event-Physik zum zehnjährigen Be­stehen

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Jung­stud­i­er­ende in der Physik: Wis­senschaft­lich Arbeiten neben dem Schu­lall­tag

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Neuer Bach­el­or­stud­i­engang Physik akkred­it­iert – wahl­weise Schwer­punkt­set­zung auf „Mathem­atik“, „Natur­wis­senschaften“ oder…

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Pader­borner Event-Physik begeistert Daniel Hartwich in der neuen RTL-Show „N­achs­itzen!“ am 23. Juni für Physik

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Uni­versität Pader­born und Gym­nas­i­um Schloß Neuhaus fördern MINT-Nachwuchs – Neue Ko­op­er­a­tionsver­ein­bar­ung sich­ert För­der­ung auf ho­hem…

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Physikalisches Labor­prak­tikum fei­er­lich er­öffnet

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Isol­at­or-Metall-Über­gang im Quanten­lim­it

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Forscher­gruppe der Uni­versität Pader­born en­twick­elt neuen An­satz für die Quanten­kom­munika­tion – Ver­öf­fent­lichung in „Nature…

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Er­fol­greiches Fol­lowUp-Meet­ing zum Som­mer­Camp der Physik: Echter Ein­blick in die Forschung

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Prof. Sil­ber­horn und Prof. Zent­graf er­hal­ten höch­ste europäis­che Forschungs­för­der­ung

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Re­volu­tion in der Licht­tech­nik: No­bel­pre­is­träger Pro­fess­or Shuji Na­kamura hält den Festvor­trag zum 10-jährigen Be­stehen des CeOPP

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Physiker, Chemiker und E-Tech­nik­er beschäftigten sich mit der Gestal­tung von Übun­gen

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Neues Hoch­leis­tungs­mik­roskop für das De­part­ment Physik – Per Seeweg direkt aus Ja­pan nach Pader­born

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Event-Physik Show „Sound of Phys­ics“ in der Uni­versität Pader­born

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Remote epitaxy of In(x)Ga(1-x)As(001) on graphene covered GaAs(001) substrates

T. Henksmeier, J.F. Schulz, E. Kluth, M. Feneberg, R. Goldhahn, A.M. Sanchez, M. Voigt, G. Grundmeier, D. Reuter, Journal of Crystal Growth 593 (2022).

Nonlinear down-conversion in a single quantum dot

B. Jonas, D.F. Heinze, E. Schöll, P. Kallert, T. Langer, S. Krehs, A. Widhalm, K. Jöns, D. Reuter, A. Zrenner, Nonlinear Down-Conversion in a Single Quantum Dot, LibreCat University, 2022.

Strain Relaxation in InAs Nanoislands on top of GaAs (111) A Nanopillars

T. Riedl, V. Kunnathully, A. Trapp, D. Reuter, J. Lindner, in: 2018.

MBE Growth of InAs on Nanopillar-Patterned GaAs (111) A

T. Riedl, V. Kunnathully, A. Trapp, D. Reuter, J. Lindner, in: 2018.

InAs heteroepitaxy on GaAs patterned by nanosphere lithography

V. Kunnathully, T. Riedl, A. Karlisch, D. Reuter, J. Lindner, in: 2017.

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Con­tact us

Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter

Optoelectronic materials and devices

Room P8.2.12
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn