Author: Georg Harder
- Daryl Achilles, Christine Silberhorn, and Ian A. Walmsley. Direct, Loss- Tolerant characterization of nonclassical photon statistics. Physical Re- view Letters, 97(4):043602, July 2006.
- Daryl Achilles, Christine Silberhorn, Cezary ‘liwa, Konrad Banaszek, and Ian A. Walmsley. Fiber-assisted detection with photon number resolution. Optics Letters, 28(23):23872389, December 2003.
- M. Avenhaus, H. B. Coldenstrodt-Ronge, K. Laiho, W. Mauerer, I. A. Walmsley, and C. Silberhorn. Photon number statistics of multimode parametric Down-Conversion. Physical Review Letters, 101(5):053601, 2008.
- M. Avenhaus, K. Laiho, M. V. Chekhova, and C. Silberhorn. Accessing higher order correlations in quantum optical states by time multiplexing. Physical Review Letters, 104(6):063602, February 2010.
- Konrad Banaszek and Kryzysztof Wódkiewicz. Direct probing of quantum phase space by photon counting. Physical Review Letters, 76(23):4344, June 1996.
- Andreas Eckstein, Andreas Christ, Peter J. Mosley, and Christine Silberhorn. Highly ecient Single-Pass source of pulsed Single-Mode twin beams of light. Physical Review Letters, 106(1):013603, January 2011.
- Kaisa Laiho, Katiúscia N. Cassemiro, David Gross, and Christine Silberhorn. Probing the negative wigner function of a pulsed single photon point by point. Physical Review Letters, 105(25):253603, December 2010.
- Ch. Silberhorn, P. K. Lam, O. Weiÿ, F. König, N. Korolkova, and G. Leuchs. Generation of continuous variable Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement via the kerr nonlinearity in an optical ber. Physical Re- view Letters, 86(19):42674270, May 2001.
- S. Wallentowitz and W. Vogel. Unbalanced homodyning for quantum state measurements. Physical Review A, 53(6):45284533, June 1996.