Research and Facilities
Research activities of the IQO group cover a wide scope ranging from fabrication of micro-structured devices via the realization of complex quantum optical experiments up to the theoretical analysis of quantum optical systems and their implementation for quantum information processing.
The research areas might be grouped into three categories: "Technology", "Devices" and "Quantum-Networks". "Technology" comprises the fabrication of integrated optical devices and circuits in LiNbO3 and KTP. This includes all necessary process steps, which need to be continuously optimized to meet the challenging demands required for quantum optical experiments. In the area "Devices" we develop novel integrated optical structures and devices like for instance (entangled) photon pair sources. Moreover, research is directed towards the development of monolithically integrated circuits, which jointly combine several optical elements with different functionality on a single optical "chip". Research in "Quantum Networks" is targeted on the development of novel practical concepts in quantum information processing and quantum communication as well as on fundamental research experiments on ultrashort pulse quantum optics. In particular, we focus on the study of correlated, multi-dimensional systems with several coupled channels and on the "engineering" of complex quantum states with strictly controllable properties.