Kick-off Meet­ing of the Op­tica Stu­dent Chapter

Kick-off Meeting of the Optica Student Chapter


A new Optica Student Chapter recently opened at Paderborn University. With the successful application, undergraduate and graduate students can now assemble in the Chapter for exchange, social gatherings, workshops, invited lectures and other activities. The Chapter’s vision is to form a vibrant exchange among students in optics and photonics across Paderborn University, as well as to increase the visibility of Paderborn and the PhoQS as a place for international photonics research.

On May 16th, the official Kick-off meeting took place. The evening started with an introduction to the Chapter by the Chapter’s President Franz Roeder and a talk about opportunities within Optica by Claus Roll, Director of Optica Europe. These were followed by informal discussions among students, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and professors along with some pizza.

The Chapter was founded and currently chaired by PhoQS-members Franz Roeder, Federico Pegoraro, Laura Serino and Patrick Folge. Questions and ideas for activities can be provided directly to the chairs via