
Sofía Herrero Simón defended her bachelor's thesis with the title "Characterization of the spatial modes of nonlinear KTP waveguides".

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The working principle of a time multiplexing detector: A single pulse of photons is split and recombined with various time delays producing a train of pulses with less than one photon per pulse. These pulses are send onto avalanche photo diodes producing 'click' or 'no-click' events. Counting the number of clicks gives information about the number of photons present in the initial pulse, but the exact relation between photon number distributions and measured click-statistics is complex because the click statistics are influenced by the number of beam splitters, the detector response functions and the losses in the system.

Scientists in the group of Christine Silberhorn in Paderborn and the group of Werner Vogel in Rostock have demonstrated a new method to identify nonclassical correlations between two parties sharing a quantum state. The method allows to characterize quantum states and resources in a simple and straight forward way. The results are published in Uncovering Quantum Correlations with Time-Multiplexed Click Detection, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 023601…

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Sebastian Brauner defended his bachelor's thesis with the title "Elektrooptisch schaltbare Faserschleife zur Photonenspeicherung".

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QUCHIP – Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip is a FET-ProActive project funded under the call FETPROACT-3-2014: Quantum simulation.

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Unsere langjährige Stütze im Sekretariat geht nun endgültig in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand.

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Die UNESCO hat 2015 zum “Internationalen Jahr des Lichts und der lichtbasierten Technologien” erklärt. Es steht unter dem Motto „Licht für Wandel“ und soll an die Bedeutung von Licht als elementare Lebensvoraussetzung erinnern sowie den gesellschaftlichen Nutzen der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über das Licht, z. B. in der Medizin oder im Bereich Kommunikation, ins Bewusstsein rücken.

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In a joint cooperation of several research groups (including the IQO group), quantum teleportation over up to 25 km long fiber links and coupling to a solid state memory were demonstrated. Key results are now published in Nature Photonics.

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On July 1st, Olga Driesner defended her Master's thesis entitled "Vergrabene Lichtwellenleiter in Kalium Titanly Phosphat".

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On March 26th, 2014, Benjamin Brecht successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Engineering ultrafast quantum frequency conversion".

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Quantum networks pose high requirements on photon pair sources in terms of brightness, purity and integrability with other devices. We implemented a source in the lab that combines a number of desirable properties to fulfil those requirements to a high degree.

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We are happy to announce that we are part of the Marie Curie ITN project PICQUE – Photonic Integrated Compound Quantum Encoding.

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Regina Kruse and Christof Eigner defended their Master's theses.

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Quantum networks pose high requirements on photon pair sources in terms of brightness, purity and integrability with other devices. We implemented a source in the lab that combines a number of desirable properties to fulfil those requirements to a high degree.

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On the 30th of August Andreas Schreiber successfully defended his PhD thesis

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On August 28th, Vahid Ansari defended his Master's thesis

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