Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve work on cer­tify­ing quan­tum-net­work to­po­lo­gies pu­blis­hed in Phy­si­cal Re­view Let­ters

In a collaboration led by the group of Otfried Gühne at the University of Siegen, we performed an experimental study with the aim of certifying the topology — that is, the entanglement structure — of different six-partite quantum networks. We generated entanglement between different parties in the network and performed a set of simple measurements. Then, we sent the results to our collaborators, who unveiled the network topology from the data alone, without being told which set of data corresponded to which network. The results of this fun project have been published in Physical Review Letters and we thank Otfried and his group, especially Lisa Weinbrenner and Kiara Hansenne, for teaming up with us.


Our research has been published in Physical Review Letters  and is available on the arXiv.