Na­ture Pho­to­nics pu­bli­ca­ti­on on quan­tum tele­por­ta­ti­on

In a joint cooperation of several research groups (including the IQO group), quantum teleportation over up to 25 km long fiber links and coupling to a solid state memory were demonstrated. Key results are now published in <link http: nphoton journal v8 n10 full nphoton.2014.215.html _self>Nature Photonics.

The main experiments were carried out at the laboratories of Prof. Nicolas Gisin at the University of Geneva. Entanglement in the experiment is established between rare-earth-ion doped crystals storing a single photon that is polarization-entangled with a flying telecom-wavelength photon. The latter is jointly measured with another flying qubit carrying the polarization state to be teleported, which heralds the teleportation.

The experiment demonstrates the feasibility of long-distance teleportation of a single quanta of light onto a solid-state quantum memory. The fundamentals of the experiment could be used to demonstrate a small-scale network of remote quantum memories, or a real-world quantum repeater based on an optical-fibre architecture.

The IQO group contributed to this experiment with specifically developed periodically poled waveguide devices for the generation of photon pairs which are at the heart of the source of polarization entangled photon pairs.