Op­ti­mi­zed pho­ton pair sour­ce for quan­tum cir­cuits im­ple­men­ted


Quantum networks pose high requirements on photon pair sources in terms of brightness, purity and integrability with other devices. We implemented a source in the lab that combines a number of desirable properties to fulfil those requirements to a high degree. Details are published in the <link http: www.opticsinfobase.org oe _self>open-access Optics Express journal.


The source produces nearly indistinguishable, highly decorrelated photon pairs with high brightness and high coupling efficiencies into standard single mode fibers. Thus, it is ideally suited for quantum circuit experiments, which rely on the quantum interference of photons produced by several sources such as ours. Furthermore, operating at standard telecommunication wavelengths, the source can be useful in quantum communication networks. It will be an intriguing challenge to combine it with sophisticated quantum manipulation and measurement devices.