Equip­ment: Spe­ci­men pre­par­a­tion for elec­tron mi­cro­scopy

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) requires samples with a very small thickness down to few atomic layers in the area of interest. For the preparation of such specimens there are different preparation procedures:

Cross-section preparation: By sawing the sample and gluing individual pieces a sandwich is created in which the sample surface and internal interfaces (in the case of thin film layer systems) point vertically down. For stability reasons this sandwich is fixed in a potty type of brass ring. The sample is then thinned mechanically down to 100 µm or less. Using a final Ar ion milling step the sample is then thinned down to electron transparency in the centre.

Plane-view preparation: This technique is very similar to cross-section preparation. Since the surface is to be looked at in top-view, one starts with ultrasonic drilling of a 3 mm disk of the material. This is followed by a thinning procedure as in cross-sectional preparation, but with all thinning steps only from the backside, to keep all structures on the original surface.

The techniques described above are well suited for hard and brittle materials, mostly with structures of interest near the surface. There is much experience with substrates of silicon, GaAs and sapphire. However, also other materials systems such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics have been prepared this way.

Wet-chemical plane-view preparation: a further option for the fast thinning of plane-view specimens of silicon is by the use of hydrofluoric jet-etching. A suitable apparatus for this is under construction.

Electrolytic thinning: metallic materials are prepared in collaboration with the Chair of Material Science at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering by electrolytic etching and polishing.

TEM grids: This fast technique is suitable for small particles dispersed in suspensions or granular media. Here, a metallic grid out of Cu or Au, sometimes coated with a thin (10 nm), sometimes holey film of carbon is used. A suspension droplet is applied, leaving behind nanoparticles attached to the grid.

FIB preparation: the cross-sectional preparation of materials compounds and of selected sample areas is done using focused ion beam (FIB) machines in collaboration with the department of chemistry and other external partners.

Ion beam etch­ing ap­par­at­us Gatan PIPS Mod­el 691

- Ion energy: 1.0 - 6.0 keV
- Ion beam inclination angle: -10° to +10°
- LN2 cooling
- Attachable light microscope


Dimple grinders: Gatan Mod­el 656

- Rotation speed and bearing weight continuously adjustable
- Attachable light microscope


Grind­ing ma­chine Bühler

- Angled grinding of silicon in optical quality

- Struers magnetic fixture system for grinding and polishing media


Grind­ing ma­chine Jean Wirtz TE200

Thinning of brittle materials
- continuously adjustable rotation speed


Disc saw Bühler Iso­Met

- Low-speed saw for specimen cutting


Light mi­cro­scope Zeiss Ax­io­scope

- Digital image acquisition system
- Reflection and transmission imaging
- differential interference contrast


Ul­tra­son­ic drilling ma­chine

Drilling out of plan-view specimens from semiconductor discs


Gatan spe­ci­men punch

Punching of metallic foils



Thin sections of soft matter and compound materials


Jet pol­ish­ing ap­par­at­us

Chemical thinning of silicon plan-view specimens


Dry­ing cab­in­et


Va­cu­um tweez­ers Bind­er Labor­tech­nik VP100S