Equip­ment: Ma­ter­i­al de­pos­ition and re­mov­al

Plasma etch­ing ma­chines

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Oxford Instruments Plasmalab System 100:

RIE plasma process system with inductively coupled plasma ICP 180 for reactive ion etching
- Automatic wafer loading; max. wafer size 100 mm
- Available process gases: C4F8, SF6, O2, Ar, CHF3, CF4, He
- RF power: max 300 W @ 13.56 MHz
- ICP power: max 3000 W @ 13.56 MHz

Oxford Instruments Plasmalab 80plus (RIE):

RIE plasma process system with inductively coupled plasma ICP 65 for reactive ion etching
- Available process gases: SiCl4, SF6, O2, Ar, Cl2, CH4, H2
- Wafer size max. 50 mm (homogeneous plasma)
- RF power: max 400 W @ 13.56 MHz
- ICP power: max 300 W @ 13.56 MHz

Oxford Instruments Plasmalab 80plus (PECVD):

PECVD plasma process system for deposition of insulating and semiconducting films
- Available process gases: SiH4/Ar (2%/98%), NH3, N2O, N2, CF4
- Heatable specimen table: max. 400°C
- Wafer size max. 50 mm (homogeneous plasma)
- RF power max: 400 W @13.56 MHz


Evap­or­a­tion ap­par­at­us for dir­ec­ted de­pos­ition

- Motorized two-axis specimen tilting
- 6-crucible electron beam evaporator
- Quartz balance for thickness monitoring
- Specimen heating
- Turbo pump
- Kaufmann ion source for ion beam assisted deposition and implantation


De­pos­ition ap­par­at­us Vari­an 3119 R&D coat­er sys­tem

Deposition of thin films
- Electron beam evaporator
- Crucible evaporator
- Glow discharge operation
- Vacuum system: pre-pump, oil diffusion pump


Sput­ter­ing ap­par­at­us

Sputter deposition of thin films
- Au and Pt films
- Membrane pump
- Time control


Mir­ror trans­port fur­nace

Synthesis of ZnO nanowires by Zn/O transport in a temperature gradient
- Quartz tube
- Max. temperature 1100 °C
- Max. specimen size 2 cm x 2 cm
- Operation under vacuum or inert gas (Ar)


Ten­siomet­er K100SF (Krüss com­pany)

Contact angle measurements of single fibres for wetting analysis
- Weight measurement: up to 3 g, resolution 0.1 µg
- Specimen stage positioning: Range 110 mm, resolution 0.1 µm, velocity 0.09 - 500 mm/min


Drop shape ana­lyz­er DSA25E (Krüss com­pany)

Optical measurement of static and dynamic contact angles on solid surfaces (sessile drop method), Determiantion of surface energies of solids and surface tension of liquids (pendant drop method)
- Lift table (z axis)
- Software controlled double dose unit
- Zoom objective, camera (resolution 656x492 px)