
The Nanostructuring - Nanoanalysis - Photonic Materials group is concerned with the production of new optoelectronic and photonic materials, the development of the nanostructuring methods required for this and the precise analysis of their properties. In terms of structuring methods, the focus is on cost-effective processes such as self-organising nanoball lithography (structure sizes 500 - 50 nm) and block copolymer lithography (structure sizes down to < 10 nm). Highly spatially resolved electron microscopic and spectroscopic methods are used to characterise nanoscale materials. Pioneering new measurement methods such as STEM-DPC for analysing atomic electric fields and modern methods of data evaluation are being further developed. The overarching aim is to understand the physical mechanisms that occur during the production and structuring of materials in detail and to correlate them with the material properties.



Ab­schluss zur Physik­labor­ant­in - Herz­lichen Glück­wun­sch!

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Image film AG Lindner



An applied noise model for low-loss EELS maps

J.K.N. Lindner, C. Zietlow, Ultramicroscopy (2025).


Die steel design for additive manufacturing

F. Hengsbach, J. Bürger, A. Andreiev, K. Biggs, J. Fischer-Bühner, J.K.N. Lindner, K.-P. Hoyer, G.B. Olson, M. Schaper, Acta Materialia 284 (2024).

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Na­n­otech - NRW

OWL Ana­lyt­ic Centre

E-MRS European Ma­ter­i­als Re­search So­ci­ety

ILH In­sti­tute for Light­weight Con­struc­tion with Hy­brid Sys­tems

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