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Prof. Dr. Jörg Lindner

Nanopatterning - Nanoanalysis - Photonic Materials


Write email +49 5251 60-2748

ICPAM-Price for Ju­li­us Bür­ger

At the ICPAM-13 conference in Sant Feliu de Guixols in Spain, Julius Bürger has been awarded with the Sponsor's Price for the best poster paper price. He receives the award for his online article about „Analytical high-resolution STEM investigations of interfacial widths and line-edge roughnesses in microphase separated cylindrical block copolymer thin films“, which was developped by the working groups NNP (Prof. Lindner, Physik) and TC (Prof. Grundmeier, Chemie) at Paderborn University and the Institute of Materials and Nanotechnology (Prof. Orive) at  Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerifa, Spain. The complete author's list is: Julius Bürger, Harikrishnan Venugopal, Daniel Kool, Teresa de los Arcos, Alejandro González Orive, Guido Grundmeier, Katharina Brassat, Jörg K.N. Lindner. ICPAM stands for “International Conference on the Physics of Advanced Materials”. The conference took place as a hybrid conference, this year., i.e. with contributions in presence and pure online contributions. The working group congratulates Julius for the nice success.