
The group celebrated Christmas with a wonderful meal.

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Fabian Schlue defended his Bachelor's thesis titled "Compensation of fabrication imperfections via temperature gradients, characterization and optimization of delay chip".

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Silia Babel defended her thesis titled "Einfluss der Siliziumodischicht auf optische Verluste und das Schaltverhalten von elektropoptischen Modulatoren in LiNbO3"

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Laura Bollmers defended her bachelor's thesis titled "Herstellung und Optimierung von Wellenleiterstrukture in LNOI".

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On the 7th of March Christof Eigner defended his PhD thesis titled “Periodically Poled Waveguides in Potassium Titanyl Phosphate: From Technology Development to Applications”.

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From 13th – 17th May, Benjamin Brecht joined the ICQOQI conference in Minsk, Belarus, one of the long-standing quantum optics meetings. He presented the IQO’s work on the “Tailored generation, manipulation, and application of photonic temporal modes” in an invited talk.

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It is our pleasure to announce that Christine Silberhorn and Benjamin Brecht were invited to CLEO 2019 in San José, California, US to deliver presentations. Christine Silberhorn gave one of the coveted Tutorial Talks, where she presented the IQO’s work on “Quantum information processing with integrated optics and pulsed light”. Her 45-minute talk drew ...

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Benjamin Brecht joined BQIT:19 in Bristol to deliver an invited talk on “Quantum optics and information science in multidimensional photonic networks.” In his presentation, he gave an overview over the work done by the Integrated Quantum Optics group in Paderborn. The talk was well received ...

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On the 15th of May, Patrick Bartkowiak defended his Master's thesis titled "Electro-Optical Modulation on the Basis of Directional Coupler in LiNbO3".

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Schematics of the novel quantum optical circuitry.

Physicists from the University of Paderborn have for the first time succeeded in realizing the key building blocks of quantum photonics, the full Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment showing the bunching of two single photons on a single chip. This is an important step for establishing the new quantum technology. It is needed e.g. for synchronization of quantum communications, building up quantum simulators, or quantum based high precision measurements. …

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On the 17th of December Markus Allgaier successfully defended his PhD thesis titled " Ultrafast nonlinear optics: From spectral to time domain applications" and was awarded the "Dr. rer. nat" degree by the Faculty of Science at Paderborn University.

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Es ist erstaunlich wie viele Speisen zusammen kommen, wenn jeder eine Kleinigkeit für alle mitbringt. Vahid und Teresa bereiten ihre Nachspeise ganz frisch vor Ort zu. Bei weihnachtlicher Dekoration genießen wir das gemeinsame Essen bei guten Gesprächen und mit Späßen.

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