
Sebastian Brauner defended his master's thesis titled "Electro-optically controlled advanced integrated quantum circuits on lithium niobate".

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Regina Kruse successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis "One, Two, Many Modes: Development & Application of High-Dimensional Systems for Quantum Information Science".

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Patrick Bartkowiak defended his bachelor's thesis "Integriert elektrooptische Schalter in quantenoptischer Anwendung".

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Jano Gil López defended his master's thesis titled "Tailoring spatial modes for sum-frequency generation in lithium niobate waveguides". He will pursue his Ph.D in the IQO Group at Paderborn University.

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The Integrated Quantum Optics group sent a large contingent to this year’s DPG spring meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP) in Mainz. Eight PhD students, five Master students, one postdoc, and one junior professor attended.

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Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn konnten kürzlich erstmals Bandbreitenkompression für Einzelphotonen mit hocheffizienter Frequenzkonversion kombinieren. Die Versuchsanordnung basiert auf nichtlinearen Wellenleitern in Lithiumniobat, die die Gruppe selbst in Paderbornb herstellt. Die spektralen Eigenschaften von Einzelphotonenquellen im Telecom-Band können damit besser als zuvor an die von atomaren Systemen im sichtbaren und nah-infraroten…

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Bei schönstem Sommerwetter starteten wir unsere Wanderung zu einer Waldlichtung im hügeligen Sauerland.

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Georg Harder successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Optimized Down-Conversion Source and State-Characterization Tools for Quantum Optics".

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Direct probing scheme. Two-mode squeezed states are generated with the process of parametric down-conversion. One of the two modes is overlapped with a reference beam at a beam splitter. Both modes are then measured with photon-number detectors. From their statistics, the amplitude correlations and hence the squeezing can be inferred.

The characterization of quantum states is an essential part of quantum optics. One particular task is the estimation of squeezing in so called two-mode squeezed states. In a recent publication in Physical Review Letters*, researchers from the integrated quantum optics group in Paderborn in collaboration with theoretical physicists from Olomouc in the Czech Republic and Madrid in Spain have demonstrated a method to measure such squeezing in a…

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Response curves of the TES detector. Each of the 500 shown traces is a raw detection event. The traces already indicate the discretization of energy levels, i.e. the photon number of each input pulse. With further post processing of these traces, photon numbers up to 20 can be detected with single-photon resolution and up to 100 with a few-photon resolution.

The generation of macroscopic quantum states is a challenging goal throughout many fields of physics. Not only would it be fascinating to see quantum effects on a macroscopic scale, their generation is also a prerequisite if one wants to exploit quantum effects for real-world applications. In a joint publication, recently published in Physical Review Letters*, scientists from two groups at the University of Paderborn, the IQO and the MQO, in…

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Stephan Krapick successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Cascaded Wavelength Conversion Processes in Lithium Niobate Waveguide Structures".

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Implementation Scheme: (a) One pattern of a dynamically changing graph with 3 sites used in the experiment (shown explicitly for 3 steps). The full set of patterns used in the experiment is denoted by K'n for n steps. The input state (blue arrow) is evolved (red arrow) and measured tomographically at every step. (b) Implementation scheme of the example, the R and T operators are represented by filled and hollow diamonds, respectively. (c) Setup scheme of the time-multiplexed PQW. According to the implementation scheme the walker always alternates between paths A and B. The colour coding is used to mark corresponding entities in both panels. We average over all patterns to obtain the open system’s dynamics.

[Scientific Reports 5, 13495 (2015)] The aim for understanding transport phenomena is at the heart of many studies on processes in nature and man-made structures ranging from photosynthesis to information network applications. Recent research indicates that the combination of classical with quantum effects can explain or introduce highly unexpected behaviour of the overall system. In order to understand quantum transport processes on a random or…

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Rebeccah Grotemeyer defended her bachelor's thesis with the title "Comparison of classically excited modes and modes excited through parametric down-conversion".

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Laura Padberg defended her bachelor's thesis with the title "Periodisch gepolte Wellenleiter in Kaliumtitanylphosphat".

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Jano Gil López defended his bachelor's thesis with the title "Near-infrared ultrafast laser shaping using spatial light modulators"

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