Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe „Integrierte Quantenoptik“ am Department Physik der Universität Paderborn, ist in die Leopoldina, die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften und eine der ältesten Wissenschaftsakademien der Welt, aufgenommen worden.
On the 16th of January Andreas Christ successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Theory of ultrafast waveguided parametric down-conversion: From fundamentals to applications"
Xu Yang became the first student to finish the Master degree in the IQO group. On December, 14th, the defense of his master thesis entitled "Implementation of a waveguide based source of polarization entanglement" took place.
27 Nobelpreisträger und 580 Studierende aus 70 Ländern haben sich Anfang Juli zur 62. Tagung der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau versammelt. Mit dabei waren die beiden Paderborner Physik-Doktoranden Andreas Christ (28), Mitglied der IQO, und Christian Wiebeler (25) aus der theoretischen Physik.
In the last days of November the complete equipment from the labs in building P5 was moved into the seventh floor of the P1-building. This lab move was necessary because the labs in P5 will be completely refurbished and equipped with air-condition.
The defense of Christof Eigner's bachelor thesis "Untersuchung der Polungseigenschaften von oberflächennah Ti-diffusionsdotiertem, kongruentem Lithiumniobat" took place on 12 October 2011 making Christof the first Bachelor of Physics of the research group of Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn.
The refurbishment of the lab in P8.1.08 is finished. The experiments that already began after the laser systems were installed can now be pursued in an ideal working environment.