De­vel­op­ment of sub­ject di­dact­ic know­ledge on the use of di­git­al me­dia for stu­dent teach­ers in the sub­ject area of phys­ics (in the DiKo­LeP pro­ject)

In order to be able to implement digital media in their subject lessons in a meaningful way, prospective teachers should be professionalised in this respect. The joint project Digital Competences of Student Teachers in the Subject Area of Physics (DiKoLeP) of the Paderborn Universities of Graz, Innsbruck, Paderborn and Tübingen is therefore developing, implementing and evaluating an overarching teaching concept with site-specific characteristics in order to promote subject-specific digital competences of student teachers in physics. The teaching concept includes jointly agreed core content on the use of subject-specific or typical digital media (digital data acquisition, video analysis, smartphone experiments, simulations, interactive screen experiments, augmented reality experiments and explanatory videos). In site-specific practical components, students implement these digital media in their own teaching sequences, try them out in the seminar or in real school classes and reflect on their experiences.

To evaluate the teaching concept, the acquisition of subject-specific didactic knowledge (FDW) on the use of digital media is measured, among other things, for which a subject-specific didactic performance test is developed, piloted and validated as part of the project. The development of the FDW on the use of digital media across the participating seminars will be analysed in the pre-post design. Following on from this, retrospective interviews will be conducted with some of the students in order to (1) identify elements of the teaching concept or the individual seminars that have an impact on learning and lead to an improvement in the FDW on the use of digital media, and (2) identify causes for the changes in the students' respective test responses. Based on this, hypotheses will be generated for the design of effective learning opportunities for the use of digital media in physics lessons.

The research project is sponsored by the Joachim Herz Stiftung Hamburg as part of the Kolleg Didaktik:digital programme.

Se­lec­ted pub­lic­a­tions as part of the pro­ject

Große-Heilmann, R. I., Riese, J., Burde, J.-P., Schubatzky, T., & Weiler, D. (2022). Fostering Pre-Service Physics Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge Regarding Digital Media. Education Sciences, 12, 440.

Große-Heilmann, R. I., Burde, J.-P., Riese, J., Schubatzky, T., & Weiler, D. (2021). Acquisition and measurement of physics didactic competences for the use of digital media. PhyDid B-Didaktik der Physik-Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2021, 171-178.

Schubatzky, T., Burde, J.-P., Große-Heilmann, R. I., Riese, J., & Weiler, D. (2022). The overall study design in the joint project DiKoLeP. In S. Habig & H. van Vorst (Eds.), Uncertainty as an element of science-related educational processes. Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics. Online Annual Conference 2021 (Vol. 42, pp. 788-791). Available at

Weiler, D., Burde, J.-P., Große-Heilmann, R. I., Lachner, A., Riese, J., & Schubatzky, T. (2023). Promotion of digitisation-related competences of prospective physics teachers with the SQD model in the DiKoLeP project. In M. Meier, G. Greefrath, M. Hammann, R. Wodzinski, & K. Ziepprecht (Eds.), Teaching-learning labs and digitalisation (pp. 47-62). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Rike Große-Heilmann

Didaktik der Physik

Room J6.145
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn