Adaptive further training on digital media in physics lessons (in the joint ComeMINT network project)
As part of the joint ComeMINT network project, a sponsors and further training concept is being developed in the subject area of physics with regard to the effective and meaningful use of digital media in physics lessons. To this end, existing test procedures and materials on various aspects of the professional competence of (prospective) physics teachers in dealing with digital media are being iteratively further developed. In view of the heterogeneity of teachers' digital competences, an adaptive approach is chosen: Previous experience and initial competences are diagnosed and the modules of the support concept are assigned to the teachers based on this. The support concept is implemented in different learning settings in initial and further training, whereby the learning effectiveness, practicability and acceptance of the support concept in the target group and at the level of multipliers are researched.
Title of the overarching joint project:
ComeMINTNetwork | training through networking - networking through training
Success conditions for adaptive STEM training modules in community networks (ComeMINTNetwork)
Network coordination:
Dr Stefan Rumann (project management/ Vice-Rector for Studies, Teaching and Education, University of Duisburg Essen)
Network partners/project managers:
RWTH Aachen University/ Prof. Dr Johanna Heitzer (interdisciplinary coordination)
Bielefeld University/ Prof. Dr Martin Heinrich (QM, Portal/Transfer), Prof. Dr Anna-Maria Kamin (Quality Management) Prof. Dr Matthias Wilde (Biology Didactics)
Ruhr University Bochum/ Prof. Dr Katrin Sommer (Chemistry Didactics)
University of Bremen/ Prof. Dr Christoph Kulgemeyer (physics didactics), JProf. Dr Daniel Walter (mathematics didactics)
TU Dortmund/ Prof. Dr Stephan Hußmann (Mathematics Didactics)
University of Duisburg Essen/ Prof. Dr Stefan Rumann (PM), Prof. Dr Isabell van Ackeren (QM), Prof. Dr Torsten Brinda (Computer Science Didactics), Prof. Dr Mathias Ropohl (Inclusion), Prof. Dr Bärbel Barzel (Mathematics Didactics), Prof. Dr Florian Schacht (Mathematics Didactics)
University of Cologne/ JProf. Dr Sebastian Becker Genschow (interdisciplinary coordination), Prof. Dr Andre Bresges (physics didactics), Prof. Dr Jörg Großschedl (biology didactics)
PH Ludwigsburg/ Prof. Dr Steffen Schaal (Biology Didactics)
WWU Münster/ Prof. Dr Nicola Meschede (didactics of subject teaching), Prof. Dr Anna Windt(didactics of subject teaching), Prof. Dr Marcus Nührenbörger (didactics of mathematics), Prof. Dr Manfred Holodynski (psychology/metaportal)
University of Oldenburg/ Prof. Dr Maja Brückmann (didactics of subject teaching), Prof. Dr Ira Diethelm (didactics of computer science)
Paderborn University/ Prof. Dr Sabine Fechner (didactics of chemistry), Prof. Dr Josef Riese (didactics of physics), Prof. Dr Claudia Tenberge (didactics of science)
University of Tübingen/ JProf. Dr Jan Philipp Burde (Physics Didactics)
PH Weingarten/ Prof. Dr Isabel Rubner (chemistry didactics)
University of Wuppertal/ Prof. Dr. Claudia Bohrmann Linde (chemistry didactics), Prof. Dr. Ludger Humbert (computer science didactics)
Planned duration: 01.04.2023 to 30.09.2025
Ausgewählte Publikationen im Rahmen des Projektes
Adaptive Fortbildungen zu digitalen Medien im Physikunterricht
J. Riese, J.-P. Burde, K. Costan, R.I. Große-Heilmann, C. Kulgemeyer, T. Schubatzky, D. Weiler, in: Frühe Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung. Gesellschaft Für Didaktik Der Chemie Und Physik Jahrestagung in Hamburg 2023, 2024, pp. 911–914.
Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen von Physik-Lehrkräften im ComeNet Physik
D. Weiler, J.-P. Burde, K. Costan, R.I. Große-Heilmann, C. Kulgemeyer, J. Riese, T. Schubatzky, PhyDid B - Beiträge Zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024 in Greifswald (2024).
Bedürfnisse von Lehrkräften zu digitalen Medien adressieren!
D. Weiler, J.-P. Burde, K. Costan, R.I. Große-Heilmann, C. Kulgemeyer, A. Lässer, J. Riese, T. Schubatzky, Lernen, Lehren Und Forschen Im Schülerlabor. Gesellschaft Für Didaktik Der Chemie Und Physik Jahrestagung 2024 in Bochum (2025).
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Weitere Informationen zum Verbundprojekt
Titel des übergeordneten Verbundprojekts:
ComeMINT Netzwerk | fortbilden durch vernetzen – vernetzen durch fortbilden
Gelingensbedingungen adaptiver MINT-Fortbildungsmodule in Community Networks (ComeMINT Netzwerk)
geplante Laufzeit: 01.04.2023 bis 30.09.2025

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU and sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, European Commission or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Neither the European Union, the European Commission nor the Federal Ministry of Education and Research can be held responsible for them.