ProfiLe-P-Transfer - Transfer project on "Professional competence in the physics teacher training programme" (ProfiLe-P) - focus on physics didactic knowledge
In the previous funding phases, models and instruments were developed to record the practical skills and subject-related professional knowledge of prospective physics teachers.
The aim of the follow-up project ProfiLe-P-Transfer is the sustainable transfer of the developed models and instruments into teaching practice and into the development of degree programmes for the training of physics teachers. In order to achieve this goal, the instruments will be made available as (closed) online versions with automated evaluation and documentation. The digital (partially) automated evaluation of the tests with strength-weakness profile will also be implemented, with which the tests can provide individual feedback on development needs for individuals and learning groups.
If you are interested in using the didactic knowledge test tool in your course, please get in touch for more information!
This is an online test instrument with exclusively multiple-choice questions on the content area of mechanics (completion time approx. 45 minutes). The data is then analysed and anonymous feedback documents are sent to the students and lecturers by e-mail. In the documents for students, the personal results are categorised in relation to the learning group and a reference group with similar study progress. Lecturers receive feedback in which the results of their learning group are compared with those of a reference group.
Project locations: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen; University of Bremen; Paderborn University; University of Potsdam
Duration: 01.06.2020 to 30.09.2022

The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint "Teacher Training Quality Campaign" of the federal and state governments (FKZ: 16PK19005A; 16PK19005B; 16PK19005C; 16PK19005D).
Melanie Jordans
Didaktik der Physik
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn