Em­bed­ding ex­plan­at­ory videos in phys­ics les­sons

Since the introduction of participatory video portals, the number of videos explaining physical facts has also increased. These are used by both learners and teachers and are therefore also gaining relevance in the context of physics lessons. Previous research on learning with explanatory videos indicates that it is mainly the facts that are presented in the video that are learnt. From a constructivist perspective, it is not enough to simply watch an explanatory video in order to acquire more interconnected and sustainable conceptual knowledge.

This project is dedicated to the question of how learning with explanatory videos can be more effective and what contribution a suitable embedding through learning tasks makes.

It is assumed that watching an explainer video initially leads to factual knowledge and that conceptual knowledge is only achieved through independent processing in a learning task, which can then be used flexibly and is sustainable. It is also assumed that completing the task also has an effect on the so-called "illusion of understanding", i.e. the impression of having understood a subject matter, although this is not objectively the case.
In order to evaluate how effectively learning can be achieved from explanatory videos, the aim of the project is to find out whether and what type of learning tasks following an explanatory video sponsors the acquisition of conceptual knowledge.

To this end, an experimental laboratory study was conducted in a pre-posttest design with a follow-up test. An approximately seven-minute video was created according to quality criteria, which explains the concept of energy at an intermediate level. In addition, two different learning tasks were developed to work with the video in greater depth. These tasks differ in the degree of abstraction in relation to the video.
In a next step, the study will be carried out again with a revised task.

First pub­lic­a­tions

Hörnlein, M., & Kulgemeyer, C. (2022). How can explanatory videos contribute to the acquisition of physical concept knowledge? Poster at the GDCP Annual Conference, Aachen. gdcp-ev. de/blog/2022/09/08/wie-koennen-erklaervideos-zum-erwerb-physikalischen-konzeptwissens-beitragen/

Hörnlein, M., & Kulgemeyer, C. (2023). "You only learn superficially from explanatory videos" - or do you also acquire conceptual knowledge? H. Van Vorst, Ed. Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics (GDCP). gdcp-ev. de/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2023/05/P084_Hoernlein.pdf

Madeleine Hörnlein

Didaktik der Physik

Room J6.142
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn