Ana­lyses of the abil­ity to plan les­sons with mean­ing­ful em­bed­ding of di­git­al me­dia in phys­ics les­sons

One of the key tasks of teachers is to plan lessons in a targeted manner that is adapted to the learning requirements of the pupils (KMK, 2019). For this reason, the process of written lesson planning is also considered an important part of the professionalisation of prospective teachers in teacher training. In addition, the importance of digital media for subject teaching is increasing due to a stronger anchoring of media-related competences in curricula, educational standards (KMK, 2019) and in core curricula for the preparatory service (e.g. MSB NRW, 2021), so that teachers are increasingly required to embed digital media in lessons in a meaningful way. However, it is unclear which aspects of professional knowledge are used in the development of lesson planning skills, especially in practical school phases (e.g. Rothland, 2021; Riese et al., 2022), especially if digital media are to be embedded in a didactically meaningful way.

As a result, an existing performance test from the ProfiLe-P+ project was adapted (Schröder et al., 2020) in order to investigate the ability of physics students to plan lessons specifically with the embedding of digital media and their development over a practical semester. In this test, students are asked to plan and justify a double lesson in physics with the integration of a digital medium for uniformly accelerated movement using the online tool LimeSurvey and under standardised conditions. The planning is assessed using a model for planning performance, whereby local aspects (e.g. comprehensible description of the use of media) and global aspects (e.g. coherence of different aspects) are considered.

This performance test and existing performance tests on subject-specific didactic knowledge (Jordans et al., 2022; adapted from Gramzow, 2015), on subject-specific didactic knowledge regarding the use of digital media (Große-Heilmann et al., 2022) and on pedagogical knowledge (adapted from Seifert et al, 2009) are used in a longitudinal section over the practical semester (pre-post design) in order to be able to investigate changes in performance in lesson planning with the embedding of digital media and connections with the areas of knowledge over the practical semester. Previous results from the ProfiLe-P+ project network, which show that the didactic knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of physics students at the beginning of the practical semester correlates positively with the development of lesson planning skills (cf. Riese et al., 2022), will be further clarified and replicated in a related subject area.

Subsequently, retrospective interviews are used to investigate which aspects of physics didactic knowledge that students acquire in their specialised didactic study components are actually consciously used when planning physics lessons or are regarded as helpful or less helpful. The students' answers from the planning performance test are used as stimuli here in order to be able to retrieve knowledge elements and possible changes over the practical semester.



Gramzow, Y. (2015). Didactic knowledge of student teachers in the subject area of physics. Modelling and test construction. In Niedderer, H., Fischler, H. & Sumfleth, E. (Eds.), Studies in Physics and Chemistry Learning, 181. Berlin: Logos Verlag.

Große-Heilmann, R., Riese, J., Burde, J. P., Schubatzky, T., & Weiler, D. (2022). Fostering Pre-Service Physics Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge Regarding Digital Media. Education Sciences, 12(7), 440.

Jordans, M., Zeller, J., Große-Heilmann, R. & Riese, J. (2022). Further development of a physics didactic test for online assessment. In S. Habig & H. van Vorst (Eds.), Uncertainty as an element of science-related educational processes. Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics Annual Conference virtual 2021. Proceedings GDCP, 764-767.

KMK (2019). Standards for teacher training: Bildungswissenschaften (Resolution of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of 16 December 2004 in the version of 16 May 2019).

Ministry of Schools and Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (2021). Core curriculum for teacher training in the preparatory service - Binding target for practical teacher training in North Rhine-Westphalia. Bildungsland NRW.

Riese, J., Vogelsang, C., Schröder, J., Borowski, A., Kulgemeyer, C., Reinhold, P., & Schecker, H. (2022). Development of lesson planning skills in the subject area of physics: What influence does professional knowledge have? Journal of Education Studies, 1-25.

Rothland, M. (2021). Notes on the modelling and operationalisation of (general didactic) lesson planning competence. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 49.

Schröder, J., Riese, J., Vogelsang, C., Borowski, A., Buschhüter, D., Enkrott, P., Kempin, M., Kulgemeyer, C., Reinhold, P. & Schecker, H. (2020). Measuring the ability to plan lessons in the subject area of physics using a standardised performance test. Journal for Didactics of Natural Sciences 26, 103-122.

Seifert, A., Hiiligus, A. H. & Schaper, N. (2009). Development and psychometric testing of a measurement instrument for the assessment of pedagogical competences in university teacher education. Teacher education on the test bench, 2 (1), 82-103.

Melanie Jordans

Didaktik der Physik

Room J6.142
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn