In der Hochdruckphysik versucht man, die Eigenschaften der festen, flüssigen oder Gasförmigen Materie durch äußeren Druck in weiten Grenzen zu ändern, diese Änderungen zu beobachten und zu verstehen. Schon allein bei den reinen chemischen Elementen findet man nicht nur die bekannten Phasenübergänge zwischen gasförmigen, flüssigen und festen Phasen, sondern auch vielfältige strukturelle Phasenübergänge zwischen verschiedenen festen Phasen, wie z. B. von schwarzem Graphit zu transparentem Diamant oder von halbleitendem "grauen Zinn" zu metallischem "weißen Zinn", oder von festem gelben Schwefel zu rotem Schwefel, schwarzem Schwefel und zu metallischem Schwefel bei extremen Druck (oberhalb 85 GPa, d. h. oberhalb 850 000 bar). Elastische, strukturelle, optische, elektrische und magnetische Eigenschaften werden dabei in weiten Bereichen geändert, so dass der selbe, chemisch unveränderte Stoff völlig unterschiedliche Eigenschaften zeigt.
Da viele Gruppen der theoretischen Physik versuchen, mit modernen Rechnerprogrammen die Eigenschaften von einfachen Festkörpern zu berechnen, liefern experimentelle Hochdruckuntersuchungen von solchen Phasenumwandlungen besonders kritische Daten für den Test solcher Programme.
Im Wechselspiel mit solchen Modellrechnungen findet man in der Hochdruckphysik mit Röntgenbeugung und optischen Untersuchungen dann viele neue Regeln zum besseren Verständnis von einfachen und komplexeren festen Stoffen.
Bei den Alkali-, Erdalkali- und Seltenen-Erd-Metallen werden z. Z. Übergänge zu komplexen Strukturen untersucht, die durch besondere d- Elektronenbindungen unter Druck erst ermöglicht werden. Tief im Inneren der Atome eingebaute f-Elektronen der Lanthanid-Metalle nehmen unter Druck auch an der Bindung teil und zerstören damit den Magnetismus dieser Metalle.
In der anderen Ecke des Periodensystems der Elemente, bei Schwefel, Selen und Tellur, sind dagegen Übergänge von halbleitenden, kovalent gebundenen Strukturen zu halbmetallischen und schließlich zu einfachen metallischen Strukturen von besonderem Interesse. Daneben werden auch komplexere optische Eigenschaften, wie Brechungsindex, Lumineszenz, Infrarotabsorption und Raman-Spektren unter Druck untersucht, um die Schwingungsfrequenzen der Atome im Zusammenhang mit Phasenumwandlungen oder die Farbänderungen für optische Sensoren besser zu verstehen.
Hochdruck-Strukturen der Alkali- und Erdalkali Metalle
Hochdruck-Strukturen von Seltenen Erdmetallen
Zustandsgleichungen von intermetallischen Verbindungen
Brechungsindizes der Alkalihalogenide unter Druck
Elektronenstruktur von Sm 2+, Eu 3+, Pr 3+, Nd 3+ und U 3+ in verschiedenen Wirtsgittern unter Druck
1) "Der Supraleitungs-Tunnelstrom in der BCS-Bogoljubov-Theorie"
W.B. Holzapfel, Diplomarbeit, TH Karlsruhe (1963)
2) "Druck- und Temperatur-Abhängigkeit der Eigenleitfähigkeit und Ionendissoziation des
Wassers bis 100 kbar und 1000°C"
W.B. Holzapfel, Doktorarbeit, TH Karlsruhe (1966)
3) "Leitfähigkeit und Ionendissoziation des Wassers bis 1000°C und 100 kbar"
W.B. Holzapfel und E.U. Franck, Ber. d. Bunsenges. f. phys. Chem. 70, 1105-1112 (1966)
4) "Magneto-Elektrische Effekte in Elektrolyt-Lösungen"
W.B. Holzapfel, Z. f. phys. Chemie N.F. 59, 166-176 (1968)
5) "Effect of Pressure on the Volume of the High-Pressure (VII) Phase of H2O and D2O"
W.B. Holzapfel and H.G. Drickamer, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 4798-4800 (1968)
6) "Effect of Pressure on the Oxidation State of Iron in FeCl.6H2O, FeCl3.6NH3 and FeF3.3H2O"
W.B. Holzapfel and H.G. Drickamer, J. Chem. Phys. 50, 1430-1481 (1968)
7) "Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Conductivity and Ionic Dissociation of Water up to
100 kbar and 1000°C
W.B. Holzapfel, J. Chem. Phys. 50, 4424-4428 (1969)
8) "Effect of Pressure on the Neel Temperature of Cobaltous Oxid"
W.B. Holzapfel and H.G. Drickamer, Phys. Rev. 184, 323-324 (1969)
9) "Effect of Pressure on the Curie Temperature of PdCo Alloys"
W.B. Holzapfel, J.A. Cohen, and H.G. Drickamer, Phys. Rev. 187, 657-659 (1969)
10) "The Melting Curve and the Equation of State of Ice VII in the 100 kbar Range"
W.B. Holzapfel, High Temp.-High Press. 1, 675-677 (1969)
11) "Hall-Effect Measurements at High Pressures"
W.B. Holzapfel and D. Severin, High Temp.-High Press. 1, 713-717 (1969)
12) "Thermal Scanning of Gamma Resonance Absorption with CoO and PdCo Alloys under High
W.B. Holzapfel, in "Les Proprietes Physiques des Solides sous Pression", Editions du CNRS,
Paris, p. 355-361 (1970)
13) "Effect of Pressure on the Isomer Shift and Quadrupole Splitting in Au (III) Compounds"
H.D. Bartunik, W.B. Holzapfel, and R.L. Mößbauer, Phys. Lett. 33A, 469-470 (1970)
14) "Mößbauer Studies on Solids under High Pressures (A Review)"
W.B. Holzapfel, High Temp.-High Press. 2, 241-258 (1970)
15) "Hall Effect Studies on Ytterbium and Strontium under High Pressures"
W. B. Holzapfel and D. Severin, Phys. Lett. 34A, 371-372 (1971)
16) "Cryostat for X-ray Scattering, Nuclear Gamma Resonance and Nuclear Gamma Angular
Correlation Studies on Solids at Low Temperatures and High Pressures"
K. Syassen, C.W. Christoe, and W.B. Holzapfel, Z. angew. Physik 31, 261-262 (1971)
17) "High Pressures Phase Transition Studies by Scanning of Nuclear Gamma Resonance
C.W. Christoe, A. Forster, and W.B. Holzapfel, Z. angew. Physik 31, 263-265 (1971)
18) "On the Symmetry of the Hydrogen Bond in Ice VII"
W.B. Holzapfel, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 712-715 (1972)
19) "Effect of Pressure on the Kondo Temperature of Cu(Fe)"
J.S. Schilling, W.B. Holzapfel, and E. Lüscher, Phys. Lett. 38A, 129-130 (1972)
20) "Effect of High Pressure on the Quadrupole Interaction in Cd Metal Measured by Perturbed
Angular Correlations"
P. Raghavan, R.S. Raghavan, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 903-906 (1972)
21) "Hochdruck-Physik"
W.B. Holzapfel, Physik in unserer Zeit 3, 83-89 (1973)
22) "Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction of Fe(II) in CoO"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 8, 1799-1805 (1973)
23) "Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Kondo Temperature of Cu(Fe) - Existence of a
Universal Resistivity Curve"
J.S. Schilling and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 8, 1216-1227 (1973)
24) "Festkörper unter Hohen Drücken"
W.B. Holzapfel, Umschau 73, 517-521 (1973)
25) "Pressure Dependence of Phonon Energies at Critical Points in the Brillouin Zone in KTaO3
Measured with Differential Second Order Raman Scattering"
Y. Yacoby, F. Cerdeira, M. Schmidt, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Solid State Comm. 14, 1325 – 1329 (1974)
26) "Effect of Pressure on the Curie Temperatures of PdFe, PdCo, PtFe and PtCo Alloys"
J.S. Meier, C.W. Christoe, G. Wortmann, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Solid State Comm. 15, 485-488 (1974)
27) "An Apparatus for High Pressure Raman Spectroscopy"
R.S. Hawke, K. Syassen, and W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. Sci. Instr. 45, 1598-1601 (1974)
28) "Raman Studies on Ice VII and VIII
”W.B. Holzapfel, R.S. Hawke, and K. Syassen, pp. 344-347 in "Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on High Pressure, Kyoto (1974)", Phys.-Chem. Soc. of Japan, Kyoto (1975)
29) "Versatile High Pressure Cell for Use at Low Temperatures"
J.S. Schilling, U.F. Klein, and W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. Sci. Instr. 45, 1353-1355 (1974)
30) "The Resistivity of Mixed Valence Compound Cs2Au2Cl6 at High Pressure and Low
R. Keller, J. Fenner, and W.B. Holzapfel, Mat. Res. Bull 9, 1363-1370 (1974)
31) "The Effect of High Pressure on the Electric Quadrupole Interaction at Tantalum in
T. Butz, G. Wortmann, G.M. Kalvius, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. 50A, 127-128 (1974)
32) "Grüneisen Parameters of Γ-Phonons in CdSiP2, CuAlS2 and CuGaS2"
M. Bettini and W. B. Holzapfel, Solid State Comm. 16, 27-30 (1975)
33) "Effect of Pressure on the Zone Center Phonons of PbTiO3 and on the Ferroelectric-Paraelectric
Phase Transition"
F. Cerdeira, W.B. Holzapfel, and D. Bäuerle, Phys. Rev. B 11, 1188-1192 (1975)
34) "Compression of Lanthanum to 120 kbar"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel, Solid State Comm. 16, 533-576 (1975)
35) "The Effect of High Pressure on the Electric Field Gradients at Two Inequivalent Lattice Sites of Tantalum in ?-Zirconium"
T. Butz, H. Göbel, W.B. Holzapfel, and G.M. Kalvius, Hyperf. Int. 1, 1-14 (1975)
36) "Gallium Arsenide p+-ν-Diodes under Hydrostatic Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel and H.J. Queisser, J. Appl. Phys. 46, 2810-2811 (1975)
37) "Mößbauer Studies at High Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, Crit. Rev. Solid State 5, 89-123 (1975)
38) "Energy-Dispersive X-ray Diffractometry in High Pressure Research"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel
Europhys. conf. abstr. 1A, 75-76 (1975)
39) "Effect of Pressure on the Mössbauer Isomer Shift and Quadrupole Splitting in Au(I)-Cyanides"
H. Prosser, G. Wortmann, K. Syassen, and W.B. Holzapfel, Z. Physik B 24, 7-14 (1976)
40) “Structural Changes in Cs2Au2Cl6 at Pressure up to 50kbar”
W. Denner, H. Schulz, R. Keller, and W.B. Holzapfel, Z. Kristallogr. 144, 433-434 (1976)
41) “Progress in Diamond Anvil Stamping Technology in High-Pressure Research”
W.B. Holzapfel, R. Keller, and K. Syassen, Z. Kristallogr. 144, 430-431 (1976)
42) “Structural Changes in trigonal Selenium and Tellurium at Pressure Range up to 100kbar”
R. Keller, W.B. Holzapfel, and H. Schulz, Z. Kristallogr. 144, 433-434 (1976)
43) "Diamantstempel-Techniken in der Hochdruckphysik"
W.B. Holzapfel, W. Dieterich, and R. Keller, Industrie Diamanten-Rundschau 110-112 (1976)
44) "Diamond Anvil Techniques in High Pressure Physics"
W.B. Holzapfel, W. Dieterich, and R. Keller, Industrial Diamond Review, 201-203 (1977)
45) "Diamond Anvil Device for X-Ray Diffraction on Single Crystals under Pressure up to
100 kbar",
R. Keller and W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 48, 517-523 (1977)
46) "Temperature and Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of Vibrational Modes in PbTi1-xZrxO3"
D. Bäuerle, W.B. Holzapfel, A. Pinczuk, and Y. Yacoby, phys. stat. sol. (b)83, 99-107 (1977)
47 "Pressure Dependence of 4f-Levels in Europium Pentaphosphate up to 400 kbar"
G. Huber, K. Syassen, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 15, 5123-5128 (1977)
48) "Effect of Pressure on the Atom Positions in Se and Te"
R. Keller, W.B. Holzapfel, and H. Schulz, Phys. Rev. B 16, 4404-4412 (1977)
49) "Pressure Dependence of the Impurity Soft Modes in Li and Na:KTaO3"
Y. Yacoby and W.B. Holzapfel, Sol. State Commun. 23, 447-450 (1977)
50) "Phase Diagram, Optical and Phononic Properties of the Valence Instability of SmS"
G. Güntherodt, R. Keller, P. Grünberg, A. Frey, W. Kress, R. Merlin, W.B. Holzapfel,
and F. Holtzberg, p. 32 in "Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Valence Instabilities and
Related Narrow Band Phenomena", Rochester, N.Y. (1977)
51) "High Pressure Single Crystal Structure Determinations for Ruby up to 90 kbar Using
an Automatic Diffractometer"
H. d'Amour, D. Schiferl, W. Denner, Heinz Schulz, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Appl. Phys. 49,
4411-4416 (1978)
52) "Raman Spectra of NO2 in KI and of NO2 in Ar at High Pressures and Low Temperatures"
H.J. Jodl and W.B. Holzapfel, Chem. Phys. Lett. 55, 259-263 (1978)
53) "Isothermal Compression of Al and Ag to 120 kbar"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Appl. Phys. 49, 4427-4430 (1978)
54) "Adaptation of a Diamond Anvil Cell to an Automatic Four-Circle Diffractometer for X-Ray
W. Denner, W. Dieterich, H. Schulz, R. Keller, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 49, 775-777 (1978)
55) "High Pressure - Low Temperature X-Ray Powder Diffractometer"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 49, 1107-1111 (1978)
56) "Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Solids under Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, p. 159-175 in "High Pressure Chemistry", ed. H. Kelm, Reidel Publ. Co.,
Dordrecht, Holland (1978)
57) "X-Ray Diffraction on Solids under Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, p. 177-197 in "High Pressure Chemistry",ed. H. Kelm, Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland (1978)
58) "High-Pressure Equation of State for Solid Xenon"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 18, 5826 - 5834 (1978)
59) "Photo-luminescence of GaSb under Hydrostatic Pressure"
R.A. Noack and W.B. Holzapfel, Solid State Comm. 28, 177-179 (1978)
60) "The Raman Spectra of NH4I at High Pressure. The Existence of a New Phase in the
Ammonium Halides"
A.M. Heyns, K.R. Hirsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, Solid State Comm. 29, 351-353 (1979)
61) "The Effect of Pressure on Lattice Parameter, Magnetic Susceptibility and Reflectivity of SmS"
R. Keller, G. Güntherodt, W.B. Holzapfel, M. Dietrich, and F. Holtzberg,
Solid State Comm. 29, 753-758 (1979)
62) "High Pressure Cell for Raman Scattering at Low Temperatures"
H.J. Jodl and W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 50, 340-342 (1979)
63) "Effect of Pressure on Resistivity and Mössbauer Spectra of the Mixed Valence Compounds
G. Amthauer, J. Fenner, S. Hafner, W.B. Holzapfel, and R. Keller,
J. Chem. Phys. 70, 4837-4842 (1979)
64) "Lattice Parameters and Volume Compressibility of Ytterbium up to 300 kbar"
K. Syassen and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 223-226 in "High Pressure Science and Technology",
ed. K.D. Timmerhaus, and M.S. Barber, Plenum Publ. Co., New York (1979)
65) ''Structural and electronic changes in Europium and Ytterbium under Pressurtes of 200 kbar and above''
W.B. Holzapfel, T.G. Ramesh and K. Syassen, J. de Physique 40, Suppl. 5, 390-390 (1979)
66) "Calibration of the Ruby-Pressure Scale at Low Temperatures"
R.A. Noack and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 748-753 in "High Pressure Science and Technology",
ed. K.D. Timmerhaus and M.S. Barber, Plenum Publ. Co., New York (1979)
67) "Matrix Isolation Raman Spectroscopy at High Pressures"
H.J. Jodl and W.B. Holzapfel, J. of Raman Spectr. 8, 185-188 (1979)
68) "Oxygen Phase Equilibria Near 298 K"
M. Nicol, K.R. Hirsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, Chem. Phys. Lett. 68, 49-52 (1979)
69) "Seltene-Erden unter Hohen Drücken"
W.B. Holzapfel, Metall 34, 138-143 (1980)
70) "The Effect of Pressure on the Raman Spectrum of NH4I"
A.M. Heyns, K.R. Hirsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Chem. Phys. 73, 105-119 (1980)
71) "X-Ray Diffraction on Single Crystals under Pressure"
H. d'Amour and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 160-166 in "High Pressure Science and Technology",
ed. B. Vodar & Ph. Marteau, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1980)
72) "Diamond Anvil High-Pressure Cell for Raman Spectroscopy"
K.R. Hirsch and W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 52, 52-55 (1981)
73) "Solid O2 Near 298 K. The Structure of β-O2 and Identification of a New ε-Phase"
H. d'Amour, W.B. Holzapfel, and M. Nicol, J. Phys. Chem. 85, 130-131 (1981)
74) "High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction of Thorium to 30 GPa"
G. Bellussi, U. Benedict, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Less-Com. Met. 78, 147-153 (1981)
75) “High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction study of actinides and actinide compounds by an energy- dispersive method” Acta Crist. A 37, C379-C379 (1981)
76) ”Crystal structure of β-O2 at 298 K and 68 kbar”
H. d'Amour , W.B. Holzapfel and M. Nicol, Acta Cryst. A 37, C100-C100 (1981)
77) "Raman spectra of NH4Br at High Pressure and the Location of the IV-V Phase Transition"
A. Schwake, K.R. Hirsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 2532-2534 (1981)
78) "Structural Phase Transitions in Yttrium under Pressure"
Y.K. Vohra, H. Olijnyk, W. Großhans, W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1065-1067 (1981)
79) "5-f Localization in Actinide Elements at High Temperatures"
A.K. Vohra and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. A 89, 149-150 (1981)
80) ”Raman spectra of NH4Br”
A. Schwake, K.R. Hirsch, and W.B. Holzapfel , Chem. Info. Dienst, 12, 49 (1981)
81) "Improvements in Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction with Conical Slit and Diamond Cell"
W.B. Holzapfel and W. May, p. 73-80 in: "High-Pressure Research in Geophysics",
ed. S. Akimoto and M.H. Manghnani, Center for Acad. Public., Tokyo (1982)
82) "Equation of State Measurements of α, β and ω-Ti by High Pressure Energy Dispersive X-Ray
Y.K. Vohra, H. Olijnyk, W. Großhans, and W.B. Holzapfel, in Proceedings of 8th AIRAPT
Conference on "High Pressure in Research and Industry" 1981, Uppsala, Schweden (1982)
83) "Excitation of the Ruby Luminescence in Diamond Cells by Synchrotron Radiation"
W. Grosshans, W.B. Holzapfel, and H. Olijnyk, in Proceedings of 8th AIRAPT Conference on
"High Pressure in Research and Industry" 1981, Uppsala, Schweden (1982)
84) "Toward an International Practical Pressure Scale"
V.E. Bean, S. Akimoto, P.M. Bell, S. Block, W.B. Holzapfel, J.C. Jamieson, M.H. Manghnani,
M.F. Nicol, G.J. Piermarini, and S.M. Stishov, in Proceedings of 8th AIRAPT Conference on
"High Pressure in Research and Industry" 1981, Uppsala, Schweden (1982)
85) "High Pressure Phase Transformation in Scandium"
Y.K. Vohra, W. Grosshans, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 25, 6019-6021 (1982)
86) "X-Ray Diffraction Study of Protactinium Metal to 53 GPa"
U. Benedict, J.C. Spirlet, I. Birkel, W.B. Holzapfel, J.R Peterson, J.M.M.M. 29, 287-290 (1982)
87) "High Pressure Phase Transformation in Yttrium and Scandium: Relation to Rare Earth and
Actinides Crystal Structures"
W. Grosshans, Y.K. Vohra, and W.B. Holzapfel, J.M.M.M. 29, 282-286 (1982)
88) "Evidence for a Soft Phonon Mode and a New Structure in Rare-Earth Metals Under Pressure"
W.A. Grosshans, Y.K. Vohra, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1572-1574 (1982)
89) "Crystal Structure of a New High Pressure Polymorph of GaS",
H. d'Amour, W.B. Holzapfel, A. Polian, A. Chevy, Solid State Commun. 44, 853-855 (1982)
90) "Effect of Pressure on Raman Spectra of Solid Bromine"
P.G. Johannsen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 16, 1961-1965 (1983)
91) "A Real-time Ruby Luminescence Spectrometer for Pressure Determinations"
K.R. Hirsch and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 16, 412-417 (1983)
92) "On the Initial Softness in the Equations of State of the D-Band Metals"
Y.K. Vohra, S.K. Sikka, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 13, L107-L110 (1983)
93) "Effect of Pressure on Infrared-Spectra of Ice VII"
W.B. Holzapfel, B. Seiler, and M.F. Nicol, Lunar and Planetary Science XIV, 321-322 (1983)
94) "Phase Diagram of Oxygen up to 13 GPa and 500 K"
T. Yagi, K.R. Hirsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. Chem. 87, 2272-2273 (1983)
95) "F-Bonding in Praseodymium Metal under High Pressure"
W.A. Grosshans, Y.K. Vohra, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 13, L147-L149 (1983)
96) "Effect of Pressure on Raman-Spectra of Solid Chlorine"
P.G. Johannsen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 16, L1177-L1179 (1983)
97) "Phase Transition in K and Rb under Pressure"
H. Olijnyk and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. A 99, 381-383 (1983)
98) "Phase Transitions in Alkaline Earth Metals Under Pressure"
H. Olijnyk and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. A 100, 191-194 (1984)
99) "Symmetric Hydrogen Bonds in Ice X"
R. Hirsch and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. A 101, 142-144 (1984)
100) "Effect of Pressure on Infrared-Spectra of Ice VII"
W.B. Holzapfel, B. Seiler, and M.F. Nicol, J. Geophys. Res. B 89, 707-710 (1984)
101) "Structural Phase Transition in Si and Ge Under Pressures up to 50 GPa"
H. Olijnyk, S.K. Sikka, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. A 103, 137-140 (1984)
102) "X-Ray Diffraction on Solids Under Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, Revue Phys. Appl. 19, 705-13 (1984)
103) Comments on "Phonon Dispersion Curves of fcc La"
W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 30, 2232 (1984)
104) "Recent Improvements in Angular Dispersive High-Pressure X-Ray Diffraction"
S.N. Vaidya, W.A. Grosshans, W.B. Holzapfel, High Temp. - High Press. 16, 491-494 (1984)
105) "Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction With Synchrotron Radiation"
W.A. Grosshans, E.-F. Düsing, W.B. Holzapfel, High Temp. - High Press. 16, 539-543 (1984)
106) "Effect of Pressure on the Fluorescence of Pr3+ in LaCl3"
T. Gregorian and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 41-42 (1984)
107) "On Structural Systematic of the Lanthanides Under Pressure"
W.A. Grosshans and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 141-143 (1984)
108) "Phase Transitions in Si, Ge and Sn Under Pressure"
H. Olijnyk and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 153-155 (1984)
109) "Phase Transitions in the Alkaline Earth Metals Under Pressure"
H. Olijnyk and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 157-159 (1984)
110) "Effect of Pressure on Intermolecular Bonds in Solid Halogens"
P.G. Johannsen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 191-194 (1984)
111) "Effect of Pressure on Raman Spectra of HCl and HBr Under Pressure"
W. Helle, P.G. Johannsen, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 199-201 (1984)
112) "Equation of State of Solid Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine"
E.-F. Düsing, W.A. Grosshans, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. de Phys. C8, 203-206 (1984)
113) "Approach to Molecular Dissociation in Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine Under Pressure"
P.G. Johannsen, E.-F. Düsing, and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 105-108 in "Solid State Physics under
Pressure", ed. S. Minomura, KTK Scient. Publ., Tokyo (1985)
114) "Model Line-shape Analysis for the Ruby R-Lines"
R.G. Munro, S. Block, G.J. Piermarini, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Appl. Phys. 57, 165-169 (1985)
115) "X-Ray Studies on Europium and Ytterbium up to 40 GPa"
W.A. Grosshans and W. B. Holzapfel, J.M.M.M. 47, 295-296 (1985)
116) "High-Pressure Structural Phase Transition in Mg"
H. Olijnyk and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 31, 4782- 4783 (1985)
117) "Single crystal X-ray diffraction on Iodine up to 5.0 GPa"
H. d'Amour-Sturm and W.B. Holzapfel, Physica B 139 & 140, 328-329 (1986)
118) "Crystal Field and Nephelauxetic Effect on Pr3+ in LaCl3 Under Pressure"
T. Gregorian, H. d'Amour-Sturm, and W.B. Holzapfel, Physica 139 & 140 B, 550-552 (1986)
119) "Kinetics of the dhcp - fcc Phase Transformation in La Under Pressure"
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120) "Effect of Pressure on Raman Spectra of Solid ICl and IBr"
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121) "High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction Study on the Structural Phase Transitions in PbS, PbSe and
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122) "Another Step Towards an International Practical Pressure Scale 2nd AIRAPT IPPS Task Group
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123) "Effect of High Pressure on the Raman Spectra of Ice VIII and Evidence for Ice X"
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124) "Systematics of f Electron Delocalization in Lanthanide and Actinide Elements Under Pressure"
U. Benedict, W. A. Grosshans, and W. B. Holzapfel, Physica B 144, 14-18 (1986)
125) "Molecular Dissociation in Solids Under Pressure"
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126) "Effect of Pressure on FIR Spectra of Solid Chlorine"
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127) "Phase Transitions in Silicon-Germanium-Alloys Under Pressure"
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128) "X-Ray Diffraction Study on CeAl3 up to 25 GPa"
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129) "On the Valence Instability in CeAl2 "
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130) "High Pressure Properties of the Alkaline Earth Metals"
H. Olijnyk and W. B. Holzapfel, p. 75-79 in "High Pressure Geosciences and Material Synthesis", ed. H. Vollstädt, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin (1988)
131) "High-Pressure Structural Phase Transitions in Tellurium"
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132) "High Pressure FT-IR Spectrometry"
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133) "Structural Phase Transitions and Equations of State for Selenium under Pressure"
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134) "A new Structure of Mercury Under Pressure"
O. Schulte and W. B. Holzapfel, Phys. Lett. 131, 38-40 (1988)
135) "X-Ray Diffraction on Simple Molecular Solids Under Pressure"
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136) "Effect of Pressure and Crystal Structure on Energy Levels of Pr3+ in LaCl3"
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137) "Structure and Dynamics of Simple Molecular Solids"
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138) "Festkörper Unter Extremen Bedingungen"
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139) "Kinetics and Systematics of Structural Phase Transitions in the Regular Lanthanide Metals under Pressure"
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140) "Effect of Pressure on Structure and Fluorescence of SrFCL:Sm2+"
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141) "Effect of Pressure on Fluorescence of Nd3+ in LaCl3"
Th. Tröster, T. Gregorian, P.G. Johannsen, W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 3, 147-149 (1990)
142) "The Effect of Pressure on FTIR Spectra of Ammonium Halides"
M.P. Krobok, P.G. Johannsen, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 3, 224-226 (1990)
143) "Effect of Pressure on Raman Spectra of Solid DCl"
P.G. Johannsen, W. Helle, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 3, 227-229 (1990)
144) "Energy - Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction of the Ammonium - Halides Under Pressure"
O. Schulte and W. B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 4, 321-323 (1990)
145) "Equations of States and Scaling Rules for Molecular Solids under Strong Compression"
W.B. Holzapfel, p. 61-88 in "Molecular Solids under Pressure", ed. R. Pucci and G. Piccitto,
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146) "Pressure-Volume Relations for Zn, Cd, Ga, In and Tl at Room-Temperature to 30 GPa and
O. Schulte, A. Nikolaenko, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 6, 169-182 (1991)
147) "Effect of Pressure on the Lanthanide Crystal Fields and the Superposition Model"
T. Gregorian, Y.R. Shen, Th. Tröster, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 28, 117-121 (1991)
148) "Equation of State Data for Silicon-Germanium Alloys Under Pressure up to 42 GPa"
G. Queisser and W.B. Holzapfel, Appl. Phys. A 53, 114-117 (1991)
149) "Equations of State for Ideal and Real Solids under Strong Compression"
W.B. Holzapfel, Europhys. Lett. 16, 67-72 (1991)
150) "Progress in Pressure Measurements with Luminescence Sensors"
Y.R. Shen, T. Gregorian, and W. B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 7, 73-75 (1991)
151) "Equations of State for Strong Compression"
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 7, 290-293 (1991)
152) "Units and Their Realization, Derived SI Units, Section High Pressure (Above 2 GPa)"
W.B. Holzapfel, p.2,177-2,184 in Landoldt-Börnstein "Units and Fundamental Constants in
Physics and Chemistry" ed. J. Bortfeldt and B. Kramer, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1991)
153) "Pressure Induced Structural Transition T' -> T in La1.4Nd0.6CuO4"
F. Arrouy, C. Cross and G. Demazeau, O. Schulte, and W.B. Holzapfel,
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154) "Atomic Volumes for Rare Earth Metals under Pressure to 40 GPa and Above"
W. A. Grosshans and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 45, 5171-5178 (1992)
155) "Rietveld Analysis for Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction under High Pressure with
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H. W. Neuling and W. B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 8, 655-660 (1992)
156) "Pressure Dependence of Raman-Active Phonons of CaBr2"
C. Raptis, M. Krobok, and W. B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 9, 27-30 (1992)
157) "Structural Phase Transitions and Equations of State for Selenium under Pressures to 129 GPa"
T. Krüger and W. B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 305-307 (1992)
158) "Texture-Sensitive Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction on Powders at High Pressure with
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H. W. Neuling, O. Schulte, T. Krüger, W. B. Holzapfel, Meas. Sci. Technol. 3, 170-173 (1992)
159) "Evidence for a T' -> T Structure Transition under Pressure in La1.4Nd0.6CuO4"
F. Arrouy, C. Cross, G. Demazeau, O. Schulte, and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 205-207 in "Recent
Trends in High Pressure Research", ed. A.K. Singh, IBH, New Delhi (1992)
160) "Raman and FTIR Study of NaOH and NaOD Under Pressure"
M.P. Krobok, P.G. Johannsen, and W.B. Holzapfel,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 4, 8141-8150 (1992)
161) "Effect of Pressure on the 7F1 Multiplet and Phonon Side-bands of Sm2+ in BaFCl"
A.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Alloys Compounds 192, 53-54 (1993)
162) "Structural Studies on Se and Te with Synchrotron Radiation to Megabar Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, T. Krüger, W. Sievers, and V. Vijayakumar,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32, Suppl. 1, 16-21 (1993)
163) "Thorium Under Strong Compression - A Test Case for the Evaluation of EOS Data by Different
Forms and Procedures"
Y. K. Vohra and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 11, 223-237 (1993)
164) "Systematics and Anomalies in the Equations of States for the Lanthanide and Actinide Elements"
W.B. Holzapfel, Physica B 190, 21-30 (1993)
165) "Novel Re-entrant High Pressure Phase Transition in Lanthanum"
F. Porsch and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 4087-4089 (1993)
166) "Effect of Pressure on Atomic Volume and Crystal Structure of Indium to 67 GPa"
O. Schulte and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 48, 767-773 (1993)
167) "Energy Levels of Nd3+ and Pr3+ in RCl3 under Pressure"
Th. Tröster, T. Gregorian, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 48, 2960-2967 (1993)
168) "Analysis of Correlation Effects in the Crystal-Field Splitting of Nd3+:LaCl3 under Pressure"
C.K. Jayasankar, M.F. Reid, Th. Tröster, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 48, 5919-5921 (1993)
169) ”Phase Diagram for Mercury up to 67 GPa and 500 K"
O. Schulte and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 48, 14009-14012 (1993)
170) "High Pressure Studies - Structural Aspects"
U. Benedict and W.B. Holzapfel, Chapter 113 p. 245-300 in "Handbook on the Physics and
Chemistry of Rare Earths", Vol. 17 "Lanthanide/Actinide: Physics-I" ed. K.A. Gschneidner Jr.,
L. Eyring, G.H. Lander, and G.R. Choppin, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)
171) "Irregularities of Ytterbium under High Pressure"
Y.C. Zhao, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 49, 815-817 (1994)
172) "The Distance Dependence of Crystal-Field Parameters for Pr3+: LnCl3"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6, 2367-2372 (1994)
173) "Characterization of the New Luminescence Pressure Sensor SrFCl:Sm2+"
B. Lorenz, A.R. Shen, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 12, 91-99 (1994)
174) "A Structural Study on the PbFCl-Type Compounds MFCl (M = Ba, Sr and Ca) and BaFBr
Under High Pressure"
Y.R. Shen, U. Englisch, L. Chudinovskikh, F. Porsch, R. Haberkorn, H.P. Beck, and W.B.
Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6, 3197-3206 (1994)
175) "Intermediate 4f Bonding Structure for Samarium under Pressure"
Y.C. Zhao, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 50, 6603-6608 (1994)
176) "Approximate Equations of State for Solids from Limited Data Sets"
W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 55, 711-719 (1994)
177) "High-Pressure Raman and FTIR Studies of Solid Potassium, Rubidium and Caesium Hydroxides"
M.P. Krobok, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6, 9789-9806 (1994)
178) "High-Pressure X-Ray Diffraction on Potassium and Rubidium up to 50 GPa"
M. Winzenick, V. Vijayakumar, W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 50, 12 381-12 385 (1994)
179) "Symmetry Change at the fcc - distorted-fcc Phase Transition of Lanthanides under Pressure"
F. Porsch and W. B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 50, 16 212-16 218 (1994)
180) "Structural Systematics of 4f and 5f Elements under Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, J. Alloys Compounds 223, 170-173 (1995)
181) "Effects of Electron Correlation in Crystal Field Splittings of Sm2+ in MFCl-Type Hosts"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 51 , 6127-6130 (1995)
182) "Crystal fields of U3+:LaCl3 under Pressure"
Th. Tröster and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 51, 14 892-14 898 (1995)
183) "Effects of Pressure on Energy Levels of Sm2+ in BaFCl and SrFCl"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 51, 15 752-15 762 (1995)
184) "Determination of Triple Points in the Phase Diagram of Praseodymium"
Y.C. Zhao, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 52, 134-137 (1995)
185) "High Pressure Structural Studies of MOH Layered Compounds (M=Na, K, Rb, Cs)"
J.W. Otto and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 7, 5461-5476 (1995)
186) "Determination of Local Distortions around Sm2+ in CaFCl Host from High Pressure Fluorescence Studies"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 7, 6241-6252 (1995)
187) "Nephelauxetic Effects of Sm2+ and Eu3+ in Ternary MYX Compounds"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 52, 12 618-12 626 (1995)
188) "Equation of State Behavior for Different Phases of Lead under strong Compression"
O. Schulte and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 52, 12 636-12 639 (1995)
189) "Physics of Solids under Strong Compression"
W.B. Holzapfel, Rep. Prog. Phys. 59, 29-90 (1996)
190) "Effect of Pressure on Atomic Volume of Zn, Cd and Hg up to 75 GPa"
O. Schulte and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 53, 569-580 (1996)
191) "Structural Study on the High-pressure Phase Strontium III"
M. Winzenick and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 53, 2151-2153 (1996)
192) "Effect of Pressure on Superconducting Tc of Lanthanum"
V.G. Tissen, E.G. Ponyatovskii, M.C. Nefedova, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Phys. Rev. B 53, 8238-8240 (1996)
193) "Structural Investigations of the Amorphous Alloy Al.30Ge.70 under High Pressure"
V.F. Degtyareva, F. Porsch, E.G. Ponyatovskii, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Phys. Rev. B 53, 8337-8339 (1996)
194) "Limits in Present Static Pressure Metrology"
W.B. Holzapfel, p. 69-74 in "High Pressure Science and Technology" ed. W. Trzeciakowski,
World Scientific, Singapore (1996)
195) "Structural Systematics and Equations of States for the Alkaline Earth Metals under Pressure"
M. Winzenick and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 384-386 in "High Pressure Science and Technology" ed. W. Trzeciakowski, World Scientific, Singapore (1996)
196) "Studies on Local Distortions around Sm2+ in MFCl Host Lattice by High-Pressure Fluorescence"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 576-578 in "High Pressure Science and Technology" ed.
W. Trzeciakowski, World Scientific, Singapore (1996)
197) "Luminescence Studies on Sm2+ and Eu3+ in Different Host Materials under Pressure - Nephelauxetic Effects"
Y.R. Shen and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 579-581 in "High Pressure Science and Technology"
ed. W. Trzeciakowski, World Scientific, Singapore (1996)
198) "Temperature and Pressure Induced Structural Transitions in Rare-Earth-Deficient R1-xNi2
(R=Y, Sm, Gd, Tb) Laves Phases"
E. Gratz, A. Kottar, A. Lindbaum, M. Mantler, M. Latroche, V. Paul - Boncour, M. Acet, Cl. Barner, W.B. Holzapfel, V. Pacheco, and K. Yvon,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8, 8351-8361 (1996)
199) "Evidences for the Occurrence of a Prototype Structure in Sc under Pressure"
Y.C. Zhao, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 54, 9715-9720 (1996)
200) "Effect of Pressure on the Refractive Index and the Band Gap of Cesium Halides"
P.G. Johannsen, G. Reiß, U. Bohle, and W.B. Holzapfel,
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 198, 93-98 (1996)
201) "Structural Studies on the Phase Diagram of Cerium"
Y. Zhao and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Alloys Comp. 246, 216-219 (1997)
202) "Effect of Pressure on Structural Properties of Inter-metallic LnM Lanthanide Compounds"
V.F. Degtyareva, F. Porsch, S.S. Khasanov, V. Sh. Shekhtman, and W.B. Holzapfel,
J. Alloys Comp. 246, 248-255 (1997)
203) "Refinement of the P-T-phase Diagram of Barium"
M. Winzenick and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 55, 101-104 (1997)
204) "The Refractive Index of the Alkali Halides: II. Effect of Pressure on the Refractive Index of 11
Alkali Halides"
P.G. Johannsen, G. Reiß, U. Bohle, J. Magiera, R. Müller, H. Spiekermann, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 55, 6855-6870 (1997)
205) "Effect of Pressure on the Atomic Volume of Ga and Tl up to 68 GPa"
O. Schulte and W. B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 55, 8122-8128 (1997)
206) "Equation of state data for CsCl-type alkali halides"
U. Köhler, P.G. Johannsen, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9, 5581-5592 (1997)
207) "Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Radiative and Nonradiative Transitions of Sm2+ in SrFCl"
Y.R. Shen, K.L. Bray, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Lumin. 72, 266-267 (1997)
208) "Pressure determination"
W.B. Holzapfel, p. 47 – 56 in "High Pressure Techniques in Chemistry and Physics"
ed. W.B. Holzapfel and N. Isaacs, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997)
209) "Techniques for the study of physical properties"
J.M. Besson and W.B. Holzapfel, p. 57-122, in "High Pressure Techniques in Chemistry and Physics" ed. W.B. Holzapfel and N. Isaacs, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997)
210) "Characterization of the FCC-Distorted FCC-Structural Transition in Lanthanum in an Extended
Pressure and Temperature Range"
M. Seipel, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 15, 321-330 (1997)
211) "Crystal structure of InBi under pressure up to 75 GPa"
V.F. Degtyareva, M. Winzenick, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B57, 4975-4978 (1998)
212) "Superconductivity and Crystallographic Transitions of InBi under Pressure"
V.G. Tissen, V.F. Degtyareva, M.V. Nefedova, E.G. Ponyatovskii, and W.B. Holzapfel,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 7303-7308 (1998)
213) "Study of the Energy Level Scheme of Pr3+:LaOCl under Pressure“
C. Bungenstock, Th. Tröster, W. B. Holzapfel, R. Bini, L. Ulivi, and S. Cavalieri,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 9329-9342 (1998)
214) "Equation of State for Solids under Strong Compression",
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 16, 81-126 (1998)
215) "Structural Transformations in a Simple Hexagonal Hg-Sn Alloy under Pressure",
V.F. Degtyareva, O. Degtyareva, M. Winzenick, W.B. Holzapfel, and K. Takemura,
Phys. Rev. B 59, 6058-6062 (1999)
216) "Evasive Ice X and Heavy Fermion Ice XII: Facts and Fiction about High-Pressure Ices",
W.B. Holzapfel, Physica B 265, 113-120 (1999)
217) "Refined Phase Diagram of Boron Nitride"
V.L. Solozhenko, V.Z. Turkevich, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. Chem. 103, 2903-2905 (1999)
218) "On Nucleation of Cubic Boron Nitride in the BN-MgB2 System"
V.L. Solozhenko, V.Z. Turkevich, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys. Chem. B103, 8137-8140 (1999)
219) "Phase Transitions of a Simple Hexagonal In0.2Sn0.8 Alloy under High Pressure"
V.F. Degtyareva, O. Degtyareva, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 61, 5823-5826 (2000)
220) "Energy Levels of Pr3+:GdOCl under Pressure"
C. Bungenstock, Th. Tröster, W.B. Holzapfel, L. Fini, and M. Santoro,
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221) "High-Pressure Fluorescence Study of Sm+3:Lithium Fluoroborate Glass"
C.K. Jayasankar, P. Babu, Th. Tröster, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Lum. 91, 33-39 (2000)
222) "Effect of Pressure on Free Ion and Crystal Field Parameters of Pr3+ in LnOCl (Ln=La, Pr, Gd)"
C. Bungenstock, Th. Tröster, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 62, 7945-7955 (2000)
223) "A Synchrotron Study of High-Pressure Transformations in TiH0.74“
O. Bashkin, V.K. Fedotov, H.-J. Hesse. A. Schiwek, W.B. Holzapfel, and E.G. Ponyatovsky,
High Press. Res. 17, 217-224 (2000)
224) "High Pressure Phase Diagrams of Binary Lanthanide Alloys between La, Ce and Pr"
O. Degtyareva, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 18, 297-303 (2000)
225) "New Constraints on Grüneisen Parameters –
Applications to Equations of State for Pressure Markers“
W.B. Holzapfel, W. Sievers, and M. Hartwig, High Press. Res. 19, 341-345 (2000)
226) "Enhanced Superconductivity of the Ti-Zr Alloys in the High-Pressure BCC Phase"
I.O. Bashkin, V.G. Tissen, M.V. Nefedova, A. Schiwek, W.B. Holzapfel, and E.G. Ponyatovsky
JETP letters 73, 73-78 (2001)
227) "Equations of State for High Pressure Phases"
W.B. Holzapfel, Rev. High Pressure Sci. And Techn. 11, 55-58 (2001)
228) "Equations of State for Rare Gas Solids under Strong Compression"
W.B. Holzapfel, M. Hartwig, and G. Reiß, J. Low Temp. Phys. 122, 401-412 (2001)
229) "Equations of State for Cu, Ag, and Au for wide Ranges in Temperature and Pressure up to
500 GPa and Above"
W.B. Holzapfel, M. Hartwig and W. Sievers, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 30, 515-529 (2001)
230) "Equations of State for Solids under Strong Compression"
W.B. Holzapfel, Z. Kristallogr. 216, 473-488 (2001)
231) "Crystal Structures of Binary Alloys between La, Ce and Pr under Pressure"
O. Degtyareva and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Alloys Compounds 322, 1-6 (2001)
232) "Face-Centered Cubic to Tetragonal Transitions in In Alloys under High Pressure"
O. Degtyareva, V.F. Degtyareva, F. Porsch and W. B. Holzapfel
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, 7295-7303 (2001)
233) "Phase Transition under High Pressure in Binary Sn Alloys"
O. Degtyareva, V.F. Degtyareva, F. Porsch and W.B. Holzapfel
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 389-406 (2002)
234) "An in situ Structural Study of the High-Pressure Transformations in TiH0.74"
I.O. Bashkin, V.K. Fedotov, H.-J. Hesse, A. Schiwek, W.B. Holzapfel and E.G. Ponyatovsky
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 955-966 (2002)
235) "Anharmonicity in the EOS of Cu, Ag, and Au and related Uncertainties in the Realization of a Practical Pressure Scale"
W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter14, 10525-10531 (2002)
236) "Equations of State for Regular Solids"
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 22, 209-216 (2002)
237) "High Temperature-High Pressure Structural Studies of Cerium"
A. Schiwek, F. Porsch, and W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 22, 407-410 (2002)
238) "Perspectives in Crystallography with Extreme Conditions of Pressure and Temperature"
W.B. Holzapfel, Z. Kristallogr. 217, 317 (2002)
239) "High Pressure Studies on Configuration Interactions of Pr3+ in Different Hosts"
Th. Tröster and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 66, 075114/1-8 (2002)
240) "Refinement of the Ruby Luminescence Pressure Scale"
W.B. Holzapfel, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 1813-1818 (2002)
241) "Comment on "Energy and Pressure Versus Volume: Equations of State Motivated by the Stabilized Jellium Model" W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 67, 026102/1-3 (2003)
242) "X-Ray Diffraction Studies on RECo2 (RE=Pr, Nd, Sm, Tb) Laves Phases under Pressure"
U. Ponkratz, F. Porsch, G. Wortmann, W.B. Holzapfel, J. Alloys Compounds 339, 99-102 (2003)
243) "Equation of States and Thermodynamic Properties of Rare Gas Solids under Pressure Calculated with a Self-Consistent Statistical Method"
A.I. Karasevskii and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 67, 224301/1-9 (2003)
244) "Crystal Structure and Superconductivity of the Equiatomic TiZr Alloy under Pressures up to
57 GPa"
I.O. Bashkin, V.K. Fedotov, M.V. Nefedova, V.G. Tissen, E.G. Ponyatovsky, A. Schiwek,
and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 68, 054401/1-6 (2003)
245) "Influence of Vibrational Anharmonicity and Vacancies on Thermodynamic Properties of the Rare Gas Crystals"
A.I. Karasevskii and W.B. Holzapfel, Fizika Nizkikh Temp. 29, 951-956 (2003)
246) "Equations of State for wide Ranges in Pressure and Temperature"
U. Ponkratz and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, S963-S972 (2004)
247) "Equations of State and Thermophysical Properties of Solids under Pressure"
W.B. Holzapfel, p. 217-236 in "High-Pressure Crystallography" ed. A. Katrusiak and P. McMillan, Kluver Acad. Publ., Netherlands (2004)
248) "High-Pressure Luminescence Study of Eu3+ in Lithium Borate Glass"
C.K. Jayasankar, K. Ramanjaneya Setty, P. Babu, Th. Tröster, and W.B. Holzapfel, Phys. Rev. B 69, 214108/1-7 (2004)
249) "High-Pressure Fluorescence Study of Sm3+- doped Borate and Fluorate Glasses"
C.K. Jayasankar, V. Venkatramu, P. Babu, Th. Tröster, W. Sievers, G. Wortmann, and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093523/1-7 (2005)
250) "Progress in the Realization of a Practical Pressure Scale for the Range 1-300 GPa"
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 25, 87-96 (2005)
251) "Effects of Intrinsic Anharmonicity in the Mie-Grüneisen Equation of State and Higher Order Corrections”
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 25, 187-203 (2005)
252) "Vacancies Structure of Crystals at High Temperature. Thermodynamic Properties and Melting"
A.I. Karasevskii, W.B. Holzapfel, and V.V. Lubashenko, J. Low Temp. Phys. 139, 609-620 (2005)
253) "Equation of State for Solids with Mean-Field Anharmonicity”
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res. 26, 313-317 (2006)
254) "Refined Equations of State for Cu, Ag, and Au in the Sub-TPa-region”
W.B. Holzapfel and M.F. Nicol, High Press. Res. 27, 377-392 (2007)
255) "Effects of Phonon Dispersion and Anharmonicity on Thermophysical Properties of Solids”
W.B. Holzapfel, Z. Naturforsch. 63b, 718-724 (2008)
256) "Equations of State for Diamond in wide Ranges of Pressure and Temperature”
J.S. Tse and W.B. Holzapfel, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 043525/1-10 (2008)
257) "Problems in Shock Wave reduced Isotherms"
W.B. Holzapfel, IPCP RAS 6-8 (2010)
258) "Equations of State for Cu, Ag, and Au and problems with shock wave reduced isotherms"
W.B. Holzapfel, High Press. Res., 30, 372-394 (2010)
259) "Equations of State for Solids over Wide Ranges of Pressure and Temperature"
W.B. Holzapfel, Chapter 5 p. 81-94 in "High-Pressure Physics" ed. John Loveday, CRC Press Boca Raton, Fl. U.S.A. (2012)
260) "Structures of the elements - crystallography and art"
W.B. Holzapfel, Acta Cryst. B70, 429-435 (2014)
261) “Equations of State for Solids under strong Compression with fingerprints for electronic Anomalies”
W. B. Holzapfel, p. 83-98 in “Correlations in Condensed Matter under Extreme Conditions” eds. G. G. N. Angillela, and A. La Magna, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2017)
262) “Coherent thermodynamic model for solid, liquid and gas phases of elements and simple compounds in wide ranges of pressure and temperature”
W, B. Holzapfel, Solid State Sciences 80, 31.34 (2018)
263) ”Coherent thermodynamic model for Ice Ih - A model case for complex behavior”
W. B. Holzapfel, and S. Klotz, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 024506 (2021)
264) “Thermophysical properties of H2O and D2O ice Ih with contributions from proton disorder, quenching, relaxation, and extended defects: A model case for solids with quenching and relaxation“
W. B. Holzapfel, and S. Klotz, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 154508 (2024)
List of published or edited books
1) “High Pressure Science and Technology – Proceedings of the 12. AIRAPT and 27. EHPRG Conference – University Paderborn 1989“ edited by
W. B. Holzapfel and P. G. Johannsen, Special Edition of: High Press. Res. 3/4/5 (1990)
2) "High Pressure Techniques in Chemistry and Physics" edited by
W.B. Holzapfel and N. Isaacs, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997)
3) “Moderne Alchemie und der Stein der Weisen - Eine Reise durch die Welt der hohen Drücke"
W.B. Holzapfel, epubli.de, Berlin (2014)
4) “Modern Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - A journey through the world of high pressure”
W. B. Holzapfel, Ch. W. Christoe, epubli.de, epubli.co.uk (2016), amazon.com (2016)
5) “The Mysteries of Modern Alchemy -a Peek into the World of High Pressure“
Ch. W. Christoe, W. B. Holzapfel,amazon.com (2016)
6) “The Magic of Modern Alchemy -Maps and Journeys through the World of High Pressure“
Ch. W. Christoe, W. B. Holzapfel, amazon.com (2016)