Epis­ode 1: Phys­ics in beau­ti­ful Pader­born

In episode 1, I have invited three guests to give an insight into the three major areas of physics. I talk with Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter about experimental physics, with Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt about theoretical physics and with assistant professor Dr. Laumann about the didactics of physics.

Epis­ode 2: What does quantum light sound like?

In episode 2, I talk to Prof. Dr. Jan Sperling from the group for Theoretical Quantum Systems. It's about quantum computers, spooky remote effects and the move from Oxford to Paderborn - and incidentally we find out what quantum light sounds like.

Epis­ode 3: Of small brushes and yel­low rooms

In episode 3, I talk to Dr Christof Eigner from PhoQS, the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems. One of the most modern laboratory buildings in the field of "photonic quantum systems" is currently being built at Paderborn University. But what does that mean? What requirements do laboratory rooms have to meet? And what does the colour yellow have to do with it?

Epis­ode 4: Holo­graphy and VR glasses

In episode 4, I talk to Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf, head of the Ultrafast Nanophotonics Group. But what is that and what does holography have to do with it? Everyone knows holograms from science fiction films. But is there such a thing in reality? How can it be realised? And where is holography used?

Epis­ode 5: Bet­ter Broken than Un­spec­tac­u­lar: Event Phys­ics

After the winter break, we continue with an XXL episode: For the first time, I have invited two guests - Dr Marc Sacher, founder of Event Physics, and Louisa Kleine-Tebbe, a long-time member. We talk about exploding bottles, appearances on TV and the advantages of physics over biology.

Epis­ode 6: Ein­er der käl­testen Orte im Uni­ver­sum

In dieser Folge habe ich Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Mesoskopische Quantenoptik, eingeladen. Mit ihm unterhalte ich mich über echt kalte Orte, darüber, was mesoskopisch überhaupt bedeutet - und darüber, wie man als Brite im schönen Paderborn landet.

Man­age­ment PaderPhy

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Dr. Sascha Hohmann

Department of Physics

Public Relations & Study Guidance

Write email +49 5251 60-5836