Optische Spektroskopie in Halbleitern und Ionenkristallen
Confined Excitons in AgI Nanocrystals in Crystalline KI Matrix
O. Husberg, H. Vogelsang, and W. von der Osten,
J. Luminesc. 96, 155 (2002)
A 95GHz ODMR Study of AgCl Nanocrystals Embedded in Crystalline KCl Matrix
G. Janssen, E. Goovaerts, S.V. Nistor, A. Bouwen, D. Schoemaker, H. Vogelsang, and W. von der Osten
Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 156, 141 (2001)
Confined Excitons in Silver Halide Nanocrystals: Impurity Trapping and Self-Localization
H. Vogelsang, O. Husberg, and W. von der Osten
Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 156, 95 (2001)
Magneto-Optical Studies of Er 3+ in Stoichiometric LiNbO 3
G. Corradi, Th. Lingner, A.B. Kutsenko, V. Dierolf, K. Polgar, J.-M. Spaeth, and W. von der Osten
Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 155, 223 (2001)
AgBr Nanocrystals in Glass: Optical and ODMR Investigations
A.P. Marchetti, P.J. Rodney, and W. von der Osten
Phys. Rev. B 64, 132201-1 (2001)
Exzitonen im Gleichtakt
W. von der Osten
Forschungsforum, Universität Paderborn 4, 10 (2001)
Site-Selective Spectroscopy of Er 3+: Ti: LiNbO 3 Waveguides
V. Dierolf, A.B. Kutsenko, A. Ostendorf, W. von der Osten, W. Sohler, and H. Suche
Appl. Phys. B 72, 803 (2001)
Optical Properties of γ - AgI Nanocrystals Synthesized in Reverse Micelles
H. Vogelsang, O. Husberg, and W. von der Osten
J. Luminesc. 86, 87 (2000)
Exciton Self-Trapping in AgCl-Nanocrystals
H. Vogelsang, O. Husberg, U. Köhler, W. von der Osten, and A.P. Marchetti
Phys. Rev. B 61 (3), 1847 (2000)
Spectroscopic Characterization of Ti: LiNbO 3 Waveguides and Modeling of the Emission Processes for New Lasers
V. Dierolf, A.B. Kutsenko, and W. von der Osten
Proc. ECIO ´99, 293 (1999)
Self-Induced Transparency at Bound Excitons in CdS
J. Luminesc. 83-84, 77 (1999)
Propagation Beating at the Na-Bound Exciton in CdS
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 215, 59 (1999)
Towards New Lasers in Ti: LiNbO 3 Waveguides: A Study of the Excited Er 3+ States
V. Dierolf, A.B. Kutsenko, C. Sandmann, F. Tallian, and W. von der Osten
J. Appl. Phys. B 68, 767 (1999)
Site-Selectivity of Up-Conversion Processes in Ti: Er: LiNbO 3 Waveguides
J. Luminesc. 83-84, 487 (1999)
Vibrational Coupling of F Centers to the Stretch Mode of Neighboring CN −- Molecules in KCl
V. Dierolf, J. Hoidis, D. Samiec, and W. von der Osten
Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 149, 381 (1999)
Excited State Absorption Study and Judd-Ofelt-Analysis of Er 3+-States in Ti: LiNbO 3 Channel Waveguides
V. Dierolf, A.B. Kutsenko, F. Tallian, and W. von der Osten
Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 150, 305 (1999)
The Iodine Bound Exciton in AgBr Nanocrystals: Defect Exclusion and Confinement Effects
H. Vogelsang and W. von der Osten
in: Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (R.T. Williams and W.M. Yen, Eds.)
Vol. 98-25, The Electrochem. Soc. Proc. Series, Pennington, NJ (1998) p.240
Characterization of Picosecond Laser Pulses by a Bandwidth-Limited Time-Resolved Spectrum
M. Jütte, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Opt. Commun. 157, 173 (1998)
Exciton Dynamics in ZnCdSe/ZnSe Quantum-Well Structures
Phys. Solid State 40, 743 (1998)
Picosecond Magneto-Quantum Beats of Free Excitons in CdS
U. Müller, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 10, 2973 (1998)
Transient Absorption Study of Vibrationally Excited Yb 2+- [CN −] n Complexes in Alkali Halides
V. Dierolf, J. Hoidis, D. Samiec, and W. von der Osten
J. Luminesc. 76-77, 581 (1998)
Resonance Raman Investigation of Photoinduced Instability of Permanganate Ions in Alkali Halide Crystals
T. Maksimova, H. Vogelsang, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Defects in Insulating Materials (G.E. Matthew and R.T. Williams, Eds.) Materials Science Forum 239-241 (1997) p. 497
Transient Absorption of Vibrationally Excited F H(CN −) Centers in Cesium Chloride: Evidence for Strong Nonlinear F Center / CN − Coupling
D. Samiec, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Defects in Insulating Materials (G.E. Matthew and R.T. Williams, Eds.) Materials Science Forum 239-241 (1997) p. 469
Erbium Incorporation in LiNbO 3 by Diffusion-Doping
O, Witte, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Appl. Phys. A 64, 33 (1997)
Spectroscopy of Confined Indirect Excitons in AgBr Quantum Crystallites
in: Handbook of Optical Properties Vol.II Optics of Small Particles, Interfaces, and Surfaces (R.E. Hummel and P. Wißmann, Eds.) CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL (USA) (1997) p. 31
Exciton and Phonon Quantization in Ultrathin Epitaxial Layers of ZnSe
Proc.23rd Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond. (M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann, Eds.)
Vol. 1, World Scientific Singapore (1996) p. 365
Selective Excitation of Localized Excitons in ZnCdSe/ZnSe MQW Structures
Proc.23rd Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond. (M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann, Eds.)
Vol. 4, World Scientific Singapore (1996) p. 2015
Exciton-Phonon Coupling in Indirect Gap AgBr Nanocrystals
J. Luminesc. 70, 414 (1996)
Linear and Nonlinear Pulse Propagation at Bound Excitons in CdS
M. Jütte, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 13, 1205 (1996)
Transient Absorption of Vibrationally Excited F H(CN −) Centers in Cesium Halides: Insight into the Electronic-to-Vibrational Energy Transfer
D. Samiec, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Phys. Rev. B 53, No 14, R8811 (1996-II)
Upconversion and Site-Selective Spectroscopy in Erbium Doped LiNbO 3
O.Witte, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29, 561 (1996)
Coherent Pulse Propagation at Bound Exciton States in CdS
M. Jütte, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Proc. DPC ´95, Cairns (Australia) 1995; J. Luminesc. 66-67, 45 (1996)
Resonance Brillouin Scattering from Quantized Exciton-Polaritons in Ultrathin Epitaxial Layers of ZnSe
H. Uebbing, H. Stolz, W. von der Osten, D. Hommel, H. Schäfer, and G. Landwehr
Il Nuovo Cimento 17D, 1753 (1995)
Propagation of Coherent Small-Area Light Pulses in CdS at the
I 2 Bound Exciton
Europhys. Lett. 32 (2), 161 (1995)
Fabry-Perot Oscillations in Epitaxial ZnSe Layers
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 10, 1113 (1995)
Relaxation and IR Spectroscopic Properties of the CN − Stretching Mode in Silver Halides
C.E. Mungan, U. Happek, W. von der Osten, and A.J. Sievers
Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 134, 341 (1995)
Luminescence and Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Indirect Excitons in AgBr Nanocrystals
S. Pawlik, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
in: Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.358, 289 (1995)
Coherent Exciton-Phonon Interaction and Pulse Propagation of Bound Exciton States in CdS
M. Jütte, H. Stolz, and W. von der Osten
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 188, 327 (1995)
Picosecond Quantum Beat Spectroscopy of Quadrupole Polaritons in Cu 2O
Phys. Rev. B 51, 2103 (1995-II)
Resonant Brillouin Scattering and Polariton Coherence in Thin Epitaxial ZnSe/GaAs Layers
H. Vogelsang, H. Stolz, W. von der Osten, D. Hommel, and G. Landwehr
Proc.22nd Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Vancouver (Kanada) 1994; Vol. 2, World Scientific, Singapore (1995), p. 1260
Exciton Relaxation in MOVPE Grown ZnSe xTe 1-x Epilayers
A. Naumov, S. Permogorov, H. Stolz, W. von der Osten, H. Stanzl, and W. Gebhardt
Proc. DPC ´93, Cambridge, MA (USA); J. Luminesc. 58, 248 (1994)
Photoinduced Instability of MnO 4 Molecular Defects in Potassium Iodide
Solid State Commun. 92, 337 (1994)
Angular Dependence of Resonance Raman and Rayleigh Scattering in Epitaxial ZnSe Layers
E. Dünschede, H. Stolz, W. von der Osten, D. Hommel, and G. Landwehr
Phil. Mag. B 70, 443 (1994)
Relaxation of the CN − Stretching Vibration in Silver Halides: The Role of Accepting Modes
U. Happek, C.E. Mungan, W. von der Osten, and A.J. Sievers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3903 (1994)
Quantum Beat Spectroscopy of Excitons in Semiconductors
in: Coherent Optical Interactions in Semiconductors (R.T. Phillips, Ed.)
NATO ASI Series, Plenum Press, New York (1994) p. 111
Resonant Rayleigh Scattering in Epitaxially Grown ZnSe 1-xS x Layers
M. Jütte, H. Stolz, W. von der Osten, J. Söllner, K.-P. Geyzers, M. Heuken, and K. Heime
in: Coherent Optical Interactions in Semiconductors (R.T. Phillips, Ed.) NATO ASI Series, Plenum Press, New York (1994) p. 277
Resonant Brillouin Scattering in Biaxially Strained ZnSe
J. Crystal Growth 138, 195 (1994)