Bach­el­or of Sci­ence in Phys­ics - Study op­tion French

Companies in Germany and France often have close relationships with their neighbouring country and are looking for scientifically / technically experienced employees who also speak the language of their neighbours and find their way in the neighbouring country. Numerous international research collaborations exist with Franco-German participation or are organized from Brussels. In addition to the normal studies, placing an emphasis on the French language can therefore greatly accelerate a future career.

In the study option French, it is intended that the students acquire in-depth language skills in French during the first four semesters (then English is not required) and then continue the 5th and 6th semesters at the Le Mans Université. Conversely, students from Le Mans come to the University of Paderborn in their 5th and 6th semesters.

The course content is coordinated between Paderborn and Le Mans in such a way that a seamless change is possible without wasting time. Language tandems are already carried out via internet and mutual visits during the first four home semesters, so that you can get to know the future host country and its language before the year abroad. Internships can be completed at German-French partner companies, if desired. Chemistry courses, which are missing in the first semester in favor of language training for the French option, will be made up in Le Mans.

If you find out during the course of your studies in the first four semesters that a stay abroad is out of the question, you can decide at any time to finish your studies at the University of Paderborn.

The stay abroad is financially and ideally supported by the German-French University (Université Franco-Allemand) DFH-UFA in Saarbrücken. Participants in this program receive a DFH scholarship and can participate in various DFH-UFA events, thereby establishing international contacts. Furthermore, there is an EU-funded ERASMUS+ partnership agreement ( with Le Mans Université, which provides additional financial support.


Students of this option can enroll at both universities to acquire a Bachelor in Physics from the University of Paderborn and a License Physique from Le Mans Université, as well as a certificate from the German-French University DFH-UFA.


Paderborn's twin city Le Mans is a delightful city in northern France, an hour from Paris by train. Le Mans is known for its excellent Cuisine de Normandie apart from the car and motorcycle races. Living in Le Mans is comparatively inexpensive and is subsidized for students by the French state. The campus of the Le Mans Université on the outskirts is modern, international and very well equipped ( Some lecturers in physics speak fluent German - if needed. The university is closely linked to institutes of the CNRS (Center National de la Recherche Scientifique).