Physics in Paderborn

combines exciting research with excellent teaching. Optoelectronics/photonics and materials physics are particular focal points, both for the experimental and the theoretical working groups. In teaching, we place particular emphasis on intensive supervision and early enablement for independent research.


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„Physics in Paderborn combines exciting research with excellent teaching. Optoelectronics/photonics and materials physics are particular focal points for both the experimental and theoretical working groups. In teaching, we place particular emphasis on intensive supervision.”

Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter,
Speaker of the Physics Department
People at the main entrance of Paderborn University.

Pro­spect­ive stu­dents

Interested in studying physics? Take a look at our offers!

Rows of seats filled with students in the Auditorium maximum of Paderborn University.


Here you can find information about teaching, the internship and the Physiktreff! Do you have any questions? Then contact our student advisors!

Lecture in building L of Paderborn University.

In­ter­na­tion­al Stu­dents

Here you can find all information about our English-language degree programs!

Interested in an SHK/WHB/PhD position? Then take a look here.

Two people work in a laboratory at Paderborn University.

Young Sci­ent­ists

Here you will find information for young scientists.

Blossoming cherry tree in front of Paderborn University.


You can find our alumni network here!

In­ter­ested in Phys­ics?

Here you can find everything about public activities of the Department of Physics!



1. - 15. September 2013

Im Rahmen der internationalen Sommerakademie der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes leitet Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Seng zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Jörn Axel Kämmerer (Bucerius Law School Hamburg) eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema "Wiederaufbau in Deutschland und in Polen. Architektur, Institutionen, Rechtsstrukturen". Die Akademie steht sowohl Stipendiaten der Studienstiftung als auch Stipendiaten und jungen Alumni des DAAD aus Polen offen und ist als Begegnungsakademie konzipiert. Sie findet vom 1. bis zum 15. September 2013 in Krakau statt.


Researching tomorrow's technology today - this idea is at the heart of physics research at Paderborn University. The focus is on modern key technologies such as optoelectronics and photonics, the associated development of new types of components - including for quantum computers - and research into new materials. The profile is supplemented by many-particle and solid-state theories as well as theoretical quantum systems. Research in Paderborn is interdisciplinary: physicists work together with scientists from chemistry, mathematics and computer science, among others. The research in the Department of Physics is rounded off by the didactics of physics and the didactics of physical education, which deals with the promotion of learners of all ages and the effect of innovative teaching concepts at school and university.


With our six degree programmes and the possibility to study physics as a teaching profession and as a minor subject and then to do a doctorate with us, we offer a wide range of qualification options. Students benefit from the dedicated, successful researchers and the activities of the working groups. They receive an excellent education with a comfortable supervision situation in a well-equipped environment. The proximity to research enables them to work on current topics in their Bachelor's and Master's theses and to develop their scientific skills. Innovative teaching concepts optimally prepare the aspiring physicists and teachers for their jobs.